Chapter Eighteen

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Yuuki landed gently on the ground on the other side of the lake, the temple of water resting in the middle. Her eyes were downcast as she wiped the blood that covered the front of her body. She walked to the edge of the water and slowly started to wash the blood off. She heard footsteps behind her and she spun around, watching as Saizo and Silver walked up to her. Saizo had a disapproving look on his face and Yuuki smiled knowing she was about to get an earful.

“Yuuna could’ve handled the Cerberus on her own,” he said crossly and Yuuki snorted.

“It’s not a crime for me to pitch in and help. I’m not that heartless,” Yuuki replied as she began to wash her arms off.

“You know that’s not the point I’m trying to make,” Saizo said as he squatted beside her. He watched as she continued to wash off the blood before he spoke again. “You’re not going to the temple first, are you?”

Yuuki paused and stared at her reflection in the water. “No,” she whispered.

“You made up your mind a long time ago you weren’t,” Saizo said as he huffed and scratched his head. “What are you going to do if Fumito finds out?”

“Then he finds out,” Yuuki said as she walked into the water to wash off her clothes. The blood seeped out of her clothing and turned the bright blue lake a light shade of red. Yuuki walked back to the shore and sat down on the grass, letting her clothes air out. “I can’t run from Fumito forever.”

“Yuuki…” Saizo whispered. Yuuki shook her head, making sure he wouldn’t say anything else.

“You should know by now that running from Fumito was futile. I can only run for so long. Soon, there won’t be a place to hide anymore.”

“Sounds like you’re starting to give up,” Saizo said as he took a seat beside her. He looked up into the sky as it turned the color of fire as the sun set.

“You should know I never give up,” Yuuki said with a small smile. “There is no need for an explanation on what’s going to happen in the end. Either Yuuna discovers it or she doesn’t.”

“And you’re making sure she is seeing the side of justice more than the side of the world, aren’t you, my little Yuuki?”

Yuuki was on her feet at the cold voice, Saizo stumbling to his. They turned around to see Fumito behind them, a cold, cruel smile on his face. Standing behind Fumito were Genji, Kaname and Hibiki. Hibiki had a look of hatred on his face and Yuuki noticed that only his left arm was gone with two bone fingers on his right hand, and that his face was only slightly disfigured. Fumito had his arms crossed, his cold eyes penetrating Yuuki. She started to slightly shake from fear when Saizo pushed her behind him, separating them as his left hand held his sword up in defense. Silver came up on the other side of Yuuki, his fangs bared and a deep growl reverberating deep in his throat. Fumito chuckled under his breath.

“It’s been awhile since I’ve seen you up close, Yuuki,” he said calmly and Yuuki cringed at his voice. “You seem to be doing well.”

“What is it you want, Fumito?” Yuuki asked with a guarded tone and Hibiki snorted.

“Use your head,” Hibiki said. His eyes slithered over to Fumito. “May I?”

“No,” Fumito said. “Save that for another time.” Fumito walked forward and Yuuki found herself instinctively taking steps back. “Yuuki, you have given me some trouble. Slipping through my Cardinals grips, bypassing every trap; but the fun is over now. I’ve come to personally warn you Yuuki. Stop what you are doing, or I’ll turn your little world upside down.” Yuuki glared at him and Fumito tilted his head to the side slightly. “You seem to have forgotten, Yuuki, what I can do.”

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