Chapter Twenty-Three

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Yuuna sighed heavily as they finally came to the city of Elmsar. Their Valekins were exhausted from the climb since the city was in the mountains on a flat base located in the middle. They came to a stop at a stable and paid to have their Valekins looked after.

“I’m going over to the chapel to see on how to get to the temple,” Yuuna said as Megumi pulled a coat over her shoulders. “The rest of you need to head to an inn and reserve a room. We’ll rest here and then head directly to the temple.”

“You need someone to go with you,” Daichi said through chattering teeth. Yuuna raised an eyebrow at them.

“Are you guys cold?”

“Yeah we’re freezing!” Katsu muttered as he hugged his stomach. Yuuna looked down at the ground.

“Sorry I didn’t know.” Everyone looked at her sympathetically. She shook her head. “Anyways, I’ll be fine. The rest of you need to go get warm.”

“But Yuuki could attack you,” Yamato said and Yuuna smiled at him.

“Yuuki is smart enough not to attack me in the middle of a city. I’ll be fine.” After giving them a reassuring smile, Yuuna headed down the streets to the chapel. She knew from her studies that it was in the middle of the city. Yuuna finally spotted the chapel and ran towards the doors that were wide open to the public. She walked inside and looked around, trying to spot the high priest. She finally spotted him over by the altar and she ran over, carefully dodging the citizens that were in there.

“High Priest,” Yuuna said and the high priest turned to her and studied her for a moment. When his eyes noticed the Incarther’s Stone on her neck, his eyes widened in recognition.

“Lady Sylph,” he answered as he bowed his head. “It is good to see you. You have come a long way.”

“Yes, we are finally down to the last temple,” Yuuna said as she smiled at him and her heart lifted when she saw the twinkle in his eye.

“That is outstanding news!” he said gruffly. “We appreciate all your hard work. I’m assuming you are looking for a way to get to the temple in the sky?”

“Yes sir. My companions would like to get there as soon as we can.”

“I can arrange to have our Dragon Master fly you up there on our top class dragons.”

“Dragon riding?” Yuuna said excitedly and the high priest laughed.

“That is our only transportation up to the temple,” the high priest explained. “They’ll be ready to go early in the morning.”

“We’ll be ready to go by then,” Yuuna promised as she bowed to the high priest. “Where should we meet you?”

“You can meet the Dragon Master outside the entrance to the city,” the high priest explained as he adjusted his hat.

“I understand,” Yuuna said. “Thank you for everything.”  Yuuna turned and exited the temple, excited to tell the others about how they will be traveling. She raced through the streets towards the inn that was near the entrance. She opened the door and found her group sitting near the fire on the first floor. Smiling, Yuuna walked over and put her hands on her hips.

“I take it you found a way to get up there?” Yamato said as he observed Yuuna. Yuuna nodded her head.

“We’ll be riding dragons to the temple.”

“Whoa dragons?!” Katsu said as his energy seemed to come back. Even Daichi seemed excited about it.

“We’ll be able to ride dragons! That’s going to be awesome!” Daichi exclaimed and Megumi sighed.

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