Chapter 5

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In the morning I leaned over with my eyes still closed to feel Wolf, but instead of feeling fur, I felt bare skin. My eyes shot open when I saw a big muscular man lying next to me with his arms around me, I immediately started screaming and fell of the back of my bed. The mans eyes shot open and saw me, with fear in his eyes "Whoo the fu,ck are you?" I screamed and pointed while grabbing anything I could throw at him

I reached over to one of the books on the table and threw it at him, but it just hit him like nothing. He stood up, but he was naked. "OH my god, cover your self you pervert, and who are you?" I asked again throwing another book

"Shhh, no shh I can explain" he said wrapping himself with a blanket " I- I'm Wolf, your um dog" he said pointing at the collar around his neck

I had to see this crazy mans face, but when i looked up all i could see was Wolfs chocolate brown eyes staring at me "That's impossible" I said trying not to look at his abs

He knelt down next to me "But it is" he held out his hand " I can show you" he reached his hand out for me further "let me help you up" he said

For some reason I took his hand and he helped me up, " How can you prove it?" i said looking right into his eyes

"Well," he started and sat down on my bed "you might want to sit down" he patted next to him

I reluctantly took the seat trying not to look at the blanket around his waste, he started back again "you know about story's right?" he asked me

I only nodded but he continued "You know about magical creatures, right?" he looked back at me

"Yeah where are you going with this?" I questioned

He looked back at his folded hands "Well I'm a werewolf" he said flatly

I just bursted out laughing, but then looked at him and when he wasn't I realized he wasn't kidding "holy $hit, your not kidding are you?"

He just nodded no, and stood up. He took off the blanket, but I looked away "Please don't look away" he said serious

I looked back only to see something right out of a movie, a man turn into a wolf. "Jesus" I said under my breath as I watched the fur escape out of his skin and his bones crack into place

I just stared at Wolf dumb founded until I realized something, " You watched me change you pervert" I said to him

He started to change back when I ran into my closet and grabbed the biggest pair of sweat pants I own. I came back out just in time to see him naked again, but I threw him the pants and he said thanks, I waited while covering my eyes till he gave me the ok. " Sorry, I couldn't help it, but in my defense you did watch me pee" he said chuckling

I started to blush "Well i didn't know any better" I said as I stomped out of my room and into the kitchen,

I could hear his foot steps behind me, "Is this the biggest thing you have?" he asked me

" yes it is" I suddenly heard his stomach growl

He just tried to laugh it off, but I knew he wanted food, " Lucky Charms, or Frosted Flakes?" I questioned him while taking out a bowl out and a spoon

He caught on fast and said, "Lucky Charms" while sitting at one of the stools

" Correct answer you get food, but to continue to get food you must answer my questions, got it?" I said jiggling the box of Lucky Charms

" Got it" he replied grabbing the spoon

I handed him the bowl and filled it half way with lucky charms, he just looked at me, back at the bowl and then back to me "come on, i haven't had a proper meal for over a month now" he said

I just put up my finger and said "tisk, tisk" while shaking it side to side "You get food when you answer my questions" I said grabbing the milk out of the fridge and pouring him an over seize amount " Now first question, How did you end up in the dog shelter?"

He scooped a huge spoon full into his mouth, and continued to chew before he answered " I was captured by dog catchers, like that man you met, Ralph was his name" he then shoved another spoon full into his mouth

"So why were you mean to everyone else but me?" I questioned

He looked at me and then back to the Lucky Charms, and then back at me "You smelt like someone I should know" he then looked back down at his empty bowl

Wow I didn't even know the guys name, oh well not important. "Ok, so what's your name? or am I going to have to call you Wolf forever" I giggled

" My name is Jasper Chaton, and yours is Ashley" he looked up at me with those chocolate eyes, and I blushed

No Ashley stop it, you cant fall in love with your dog. That is a warewolf, and really cutie, damit.

"Yes, that is, but I still paid for you, so your mine"

He just laughed out loud and his muscles on his chest started getting more relaxed. At that point I filled his bowl with more Lucky Charms and went to put the milk away, once I did I heard a knock at the door. Jasper got really on edge, but I then remembered Sophia was coming over with coco. "Damn it" I said

Jasper looked at me and then back at the door ready to attack anyone behind. I quickly pushed him into my bed room while yelling, "Be right there" to the door

"Who is that?" He said

" Its my friend, and she's here to meet Wolf so make with the change and get with the friendly ok, she brought her dog so you have to make nice, ok?" I looked sternly at him

He just nodded his head and started to take off the pants I gave him, that hugged his-. No stop it just walk away, and that's just what I did. I walked to the kitchen and threw the cereal bowl in the sink and threw the cereal in the cabinet. I ran over to the door in my pj's and opened it to see not my friend but some huge guy in a sweat shirt "I'm guessing your not coco-?" I started to say

At that point he put a cloth over my mouth and everything became hazy when he grabbed me and threw me inside of a huge black suv. After that everything went dark...

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