Chapter 54

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Were getting close to the end of book 1, so prepare your butts and grab some tissues cuz this is one he'll of a bumpy ride... \(°A°)/


I landed on my back when we went out the window, I could feel her eyes on me. The goosebumps I felt, I opened my eyes to see Sophia leaning out of the stop story window. Just  seeing her face, and knowing she's safe calmed my nerves. I yelled up at her, "Find my brother!"

I needed her to find Roman so he could back me up, I'm still weak from being out in rogue territory. Every night I couldn't sleep, always fighting and running, hissing from other rogue wolves. And not to mention I didn't get anything to eat, the second animal blood is spilled you'll be surrounded by hungry blood thirsty rogues. I quickly got back up and jumped on Jared punching him right in the face. I pulled my arm back ready to bunch him again when I felt a sharp pain in my side, I looked down and saw a dagger fully lodged in my hip. I leaned off of Jared, "what, I thought you were strong? Did that little mate of yours weaken you?" He said sadistically standing up and ripping the dagger out

The wound wasnt healing, I looked at the dagger and saw it was made with pure silver, "like it?" He held it up, "I found it from a witch a few months back, who knew all I had to do was sleep with her to get it!" He said laughing like he said a joak

I put a hand over my wound and started getting up, I stood up my body telling me not to. I looked at him, his eyes changed to black, I have to do this. To keep fighting for Sophia, no matter what happens to me, I need to make sure she's safe. I lundged at Jared one last time, I felt a heavy sheet fall on top of me. Loading my feelings in my fingers then my wrist all the way up my arms. I looked down to see Jared arm extended, and the blade straight in the middle of my chest before every thing went black...


I watched as Jasper fell to the ground the dagger still potudeing from his chest. I couldn't take it, my rage took over I could feel myself loseing control. I jumped at jared, and he moved out of the way. "Oh, some one let out the doggie" he said

Jared walked back over to my brother, "ill be needing this back thank you very much" he said putting his foot on Jaspers body and pulling out the knife

It was covered in blood and so was Jared, "hey, I just had a thought, maybe I can kill you like I looked your father?' He asked waving the dagger like it was a pencil in his hands

That's when everything stopped, I couldn't feel anything, I couldn't control my body. The beast within had taken over and I was pushed to the back of my mind...


I watched as Romans eyes turned to a solid black and fur started growning out of his pours. His nails turned into claws, and his feet turned into wolf fangs. This is what he didn't want to show me, I realized. Roman jumped at Jared and started throwing punched and scratches at him. I looked at the door way and saw Sophia sprinting to Jasper with endless hot tears on her face. I wiggled myself out of Steve's arms and limped my way over to her. When she looked up and saw me he hands when to her mouth to hide her shock. "Oh my god" she said in a low voice, "he said you were safe" she barely go out

I couched down, I first looked for a pulse. There was something there but not strong at all. I threw  off Jaspwrs jacket and ripped one of the sleeves off, quickly folding it up I belt it to his hip, "hold this to stop the bleeding" i directed

She put her hands where mine were and held it down, I started doing the same prices for his chest, "hes still alive?" She said hope in her voice

"Almost" I told her putting the other sleeve in his chest

I folded the rest of the jacket to elevate his head, I looked back at Steve. He was about to get in the fight when I called him over "Hey! Link the doctor and tell him to hurry his @$$ over here. And while your at it, see if you can get someone to bring Christine the witch here as well" I orders him,

He nodded and hid eyes glazed over, I felt Jaspers body lurge. His head game up and blood splattered all over Sophia and I, I leaned  over and felt his head. It was ice cold, he was driving way. I saw his eyes start to roll to the back of his head, "hold this" I told Sophia letting go of the one on his chest

I sat up on my knees and moved closer to his face, I opened his eyelids and his eyeris was nowhere to be seen. I then lifted his head, "Jasper I swear to god if you leave Sophia alone I will find you in the afterlife and kill you over again!" I screamed at him

I then heard foot steps running towards us, I looked up to find Christine sprinting her way over with a large bag as she held her hat on her head. Javiare was not to far behind running with a doctor it looked like...

Please don't kill me🙏...

Love💔, Stella R.K.

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