Intro and Chapter 1

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Before I sleep, I daydream. I dream about the impossible things in my life. Then, I smile, because I realize that none of these daydreams will ever happen. Never. But, as JB's song goes..."Never say never.."

When I daydream, I think of characters. Like, my family, friends and my crush. I like to think that sometimes we all have to the will and power to make them happen besides we don't even know what's next. We never what might happen next.

But if you think of it, we may say that it is possible. You just need more guts, strength and well.. money. With all that, you can make anything happen. Oh, and also with prayers.

Well, It's possible.


Chapter 1

This is really really is it is it. 

I think I'm going to faint. NO. 

I think I'm going to cry. NO!

"Kinky, papasok lang tayo sa Araneta. Wala pa nga sila eh, nanginginig kana.."   The Colliseum was very, and I mean, very noisy. Everyone was shouting!

"Kinky!" a girl beside me shouted. A girl who's name is Joanne. She was one of my bestfriends who came with me to this concert. We both fangirl over this band.. 

"WHAT?!?" I told J.

"You look sick, it's like you'll faint.. ayos ka lang ba?" 

"Uhmm.. Yeah. I think so. Tara, let's look for our seats."

We were both seated on the VIPs and that makes me so nervous. I know I won't die but still, I'll see them up close. By then , I could probably die. 

An hour passed and the lights were dimmed. Girls were screaming at the top of their lungs! Everyone was pumed up! While I was seating there, sinking in my chair. I wanted to remain silent, Why? Because, the 'boys' said that they don't want girls that scream and faint and cry over them. So, I remained quiet while my friend J was fangirling...

All of a sudden.. 

"Heeeeey Manila! Vas Happenin'?" A guy in a varsity jacket came out of nowhere and started jumping then the other four came along with the guy in checkered at front. 

Then the large screen on stage flashed "ONE DIRECTION: WHAT MAKES YOU BEAUTIFUL"

"You're insecure, don't know what for. You're turning heads when you walk through the do-or..."

It was crazy, everyone started singing along. You can actually feel the love these 'Directioners' have for One Direction. They were united. 

I caught myself singing along, too. But I still kept my poise. 

An hour passed..

"So, Louis.. I think It's time for us to pick one lucky girl for tonight." Liam told Louis.

"Ahh, yes Liam. Let's go down and pick one lucky bird."

The crowd went so wild! Everyone was pushing one another towards Louis while I remained silent and kept looking at my phone for messages or phone calls. But it was empty. I looked at J who's crying. I wiped her tear and told her to stop crying because the boys don't like that. She punched me then hugged me. 

'Kin, thank you for bringing me here. I wouldn't even know these idiots without you. Thanks!" 

"Hehe. No problem.. " I hugged her tight. 

"I think I found one lucky bird.." Louis said.

After hugging J, teary eyed, there was a man infront of me in stripes with a mic.. It was Louis! He grabbed my hand and took me to the stage.

"Liam, Harry, Zayn, Niall meet our princess for the night.." Louis let go of my hand and the other four boys walked towards me. I was shaking and my mind went blank! I got nothing to say so I just smiled. 

"Hi beautiful! What's your name?" Liam asked me. 

"Kinky..mister Liam" 

"Ha! Just call me Liam, and by the way.. that's a very beautiful name."

"Oh, Uhmm.. okay. Thanks"

"So where are you from?" Zayn asked me while grabbing Harry by his shoulders.

"I'm from Bataan."

"Oh, is that near or far from here?"

"A bit far, I guess."

"Oh, Uhm, Kinky, Harry told me something a while ago. He wanted to ask, do you have a boyfriend?" I can tell Harry was blushing because of what Zayn asked me.

"Nn.n.none." You can't blame me for stuttering. I was nervous and blushing. I can even feel my blood rushing to my cheeks.

"Did ya hear that Curly? She does not have a boyfriend!" Zayn told Harry while shrugging him.

"Harry, why don;t you say 'hi' to Kinky?" Niall told Harry

Harry turned to me "Hi.. Kinky.. You're very... beautiful.." 

"Uhmm.. Thanks Harold..err..Harry."

"Harry fancies you Kinky! You two should date! HA!" Louis teased us.

"I'm really sorry for these lads Kinky, they're really joking around."

Liam walked towards me and smiled  "Enough of the chit chat. Kinky, can you sing for us?" 

"Oh. I think so.." By that time, I was wishing that the stage will just swallow me up. 

"Go on, Kinky." Harry told me while I stepped forward and grabbed a mic.

I thought of random songs that came to my head, then I remembered one that I can relate to a lot. I decided to sing...Torn.

When I first sang the stanza's I was nervous, but when it came to the chorus the boys sang with me then suddenly I forgot that I was on stage. 

"Nothing's fine, I'm torn..."


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