Chapter 15

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"Sooo.. I heard you had a crush on someone from your school before.. Uhm.. Marco?" What? How did he know that. I looked at Zayn who was sitting next to us, he was smiling cheekily. I know he did this. Well, I have no choice. I guess I'll tell Harry everything. 

And I did.

"Do you want me to talk to Marco, you don't deserve what he did to you! You deserve more than that." He looked me straight in the eyes. "Do you still love him?"

"No." If only I could tell him that I'm in love with someone else, him.

"Good. Well then, a few more hours and we'll be in London. I think you should get some sleep babe."

I rested my head against the window and closed my eyes. I felt a hand touch my face and moved my head towards his chest, in Harry's chest. In his arms, I felt protected. I never wanted to leave and move. I wanted to stay where I am. 

Harry's POV: 

She's like a little angel sleeping. She is so beautiful. I wonder if she knows that I love her, more than a sister. Maybe I should tell her. But I know that if her parents knew about this, they'll get mad and take Kinky away from me. I don't want her to leave my arms, sleeping in my chest. 

"Hey Harry." I saw Liam in front of us. He looked down and saw Kinky hugging me while sleeping. "Oooh. Ain't that sweet. The boys wanted to ask if you wanted some drinks?"

"Uhm, No thanks. I don't want to wake up Kinky." 

I don't want to wake her up. Cause I know if she does, she'll leave. 

"Kinky, don't leave me. I love you." I whispered. I know she won't hear it.

(In London)

Ed's POV:  

"Now for some celebrity news. Kinky, the newest member of 1D will be back! Watch out 1D fan boys!"

Finally, I can see her again. I hope she's fine with all these fame. Well, atleast now I know where she's staying. I can finally go to her house and ask her out.

Kinky's POV:

"Babe, wake up!" 

"If you don't wake up, I'll flood you with kisses."

I heard voices around me. I was too lazy to even move and open my eyes. Then, I felt lips touch my cheeks.

I quickly moved. "Hey! Ok ok fine I'll get up. Sheesh."

"Haha. I know you will." Harry laughed. He grabbed my stuff being the gentleman that he is. We walked out of the airport and saw paparazzi after us. I waved back to them and saw boys outside with fan signs saying "KINKY MARRY ME PLEASE." "LOVE ME LIKE YOU DO IN FAN FICTIONS."

Wow! I already have fan fictions?!? Haha! I waved to them and shouted THANK YOU! They screamed and chased after our van. Harry was with me.

"Now, boys. We have to protect Kinky double time. Look at all those boys running after her." Harry pointed outside the window and all the boys looked outside. 

"Wow Kinky!" Louis shouted,

"We have to lock the doors all the time and keep Kinky away from boys." Harry said. He sounded like I wasn't even with them.

"Uhmm, HELLO? I'm right here."

Louis put his finger against my lips and said "Sssh!"

These boys are the weirdest.  

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