Chapter 14

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Kinky's POV:

"So, we've got Niall and Chloe.." Harry said. We were walking when we saw Chloe and Niall kissing. I knew it. I knew that as soon as the boys will meet the sooner Niall will see his long lost princess. From the moment I saw them kiss, I knew that Niall was in love and so was Chloe. I'm proud of my bestfriend. I remember it was a year ago when she got her heartbroken by someone from our school. She doesn't deserve that. In fact, she desrves Niall, and Niall deserves her. 

"Oh. H..H..Hey guys. How long have you two been standing there?" Niall was stuttering and his cheecks were tomato red. 

"Just a few seconds ago, but we sure didn't miss you the part where you two were.." Harry said while smiling cheekily.

"Oh. That." Chloe turned around and faced me with the brightest smile I've seen. 

"So, uhm. Harry and I'll be going downstairs with the others and..." I said. 

"Niall, 4 minutes.." Harry laughed while dragging my hand and walking downstairs. 

Before we saw Chloe and Niall , Harry and I were walking along the corridors too. Honestly, we were stalking the two. After Niall and Chloe left the room we followed them. We watched them talk and we even saw the accidental kiss that happened between them. We never stopped giggling. It was like were little kids spying on a very lovely couple. But what Harry doesn't know is that, I treasured not only what happened between my bestfriend and Niall, but also the moment I was spending with Harry. I don't know if he noticed me blushing the whole time. 

"Hey Kinky! Harry!" I turned to see Louis at the front gate. Guess, it was time for us to leave. I told them to just wait a few more minutes. I ran as fast as I can to our classroom, hugged each and every one of them. When it was Chloe's turn to be hugged I whispered something to her. 

"What did Niall tell you? Spill it girl!"

"Niall told me that he'll be calling me everyday and that..."

"That what?!?"

"He found his princess." 


We arrived in Manila and went straight to the airport. I don't even know who I'll be sitting with during the entire 14 hour trip. Until..

Liam went infront of us. "So guys, I'll be sitting with Zayn."

Niall raised his hand. "Me with Louis." 

And that leaves me with...

"Yehey! I'll be sitting with our sis!" 

"I'm stuck with him?!?" I stuck my tongue out to Harry while Harry winked at me.

The boys and I went inside the airplane. Harry was kind enough to offer me the window seat even tho I know he loves that seat too. Harry settled his things and mine too. He sat down as soon as the trip started. 

"So, what'd you think about Niall and Chloe?"

"They look wonderful together!"

"Same. I think Niall fell in love at first sight, just like how I was with you.."

"Very funny Harold." I punched him lightly and looked for my Ipod in my satchel.

"Looking for this? hahaha." I heard Harry said while holding my earphones and Ipod. 

"How did y... Nevermind.. Give it back.." I grabbed it but Harry pointed his lips as if asking for a kiss.

"Eww. Not again!" I told Harry. He chuckled. 

"You won't be using this for another 14 hours. I know that if I give this to you, you'll be ignoring me the whole trip.." He has a point. Usually, when I listen to music I get lost with it. I don't talk to anyone, I just listen to my songs. 

I bet this will be the best trip of my life.


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