Chapter 9

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Without looking at my phone to see the name, I knew who it was. She was the only one who could scream this much. Kendra.

"hahaha! I'm really really sorry but I need to keep it from you guys. Management told me to. I'm really sorry.."

"It's okay.." Her voice went from loud to calm. But.. "It's really okay. NOT TELLING US THAT OUR BESTFRIEND IS THE NEW MEMBER OF ONE DIRECTION! It's okay."

"Hahaha. How are you guys doing there?" At my place right now it's already late but in the Philippines it's just noon. Timezone sucks.

"Everyone's going crazy! Students from other classrooms are going inside our classroom and kept on asking about you and.."

I cut her off. "Whatever you do, don't give them my phone number.. Ok?"

"Oh. Yeah. Sure. Could you skype us for a bit? Please? We really want to see our bestfriend aka new member of One Direction.. Please?"

I stood up. Looked in the mirror and realized I haven't even change. But, oh well. I still had my red dress and make up. 

"Ok ok. Haha. Just wait."

I brought my trusty pink VAIO laptop. I bought it in a mall back home. Turned it on and logged in to skype. I dialled Kendra's number. A screen appeared in my laptop. I saw my classmates. They were all there! Boys and girls pushing each other just to see me live. 

"HIIIIII KINKYYYYY! WE MISS YOU!" I don't know who said that. Maybe someone from behind. I saw my bestfriends, Chloe Sena, Kendra Maturino, Justine De Dios, Joanna Teopengco and Demi Calinisan. 

"Oh my god, you look so beautiful. Where are the boys?" Justine asked.

"Harry's sleeping and.." I can't tell them that I live alone with Harry. "The others are outside."

"Can you call them for us? Please?"

"Uhm, Maybe some other time. I think they went out partying.."

"Well, aren't you the luckiest girl ever.  Now you're alone with Styles. Now's your chance girl!"

My bestfriend know how much I was crushing on Harry. They know how many photos of Harry are in my cellphone.

"He doesn't know that I have a crush on him. and I have no plan of telling him. It'll be awkward. Trust me, It's for the best.."

"Ok, ok. Whatever you say. By the way, the other girls said congratulations. They can't get through us they're behind. Hahaha." Kendra said.

Chloe laughed. "You're too big that's why they can't be seen! Hahaha."

"Hahaha. I miss you guys." I blew a kiss to them. I miss them. I wish they were here. They always make me laugh like there's no tomorrow. 

"We miss you too girl! By the way, the boys said it's their turn to talk to you.."

My bestfriends left and the boys replaced them.

"Wow. You look..." Albie said.

Marco went to the middle and continued Albie's sentence. "Amazing."

"Why, thank you gentlemen. I hope you've been good boys while I was gone."

Carl stepped in. "We were Kinky. When will you be coming back here?"

"I don't know Carl. Maybe next year. Or next month. I really don't know."

"Oh. We miss you!"

"I miss you too.."

We talked for a while and they said Goodbye when their adviser entered the room. It was nice seeing them again. I wonder when I'll be coming back..


*Knock Knock*

I was to sleepy to open the door, so I guess whoever it was opened it for himself. I felt someone touch my hands and my shoulders. But I was too sleepy to open my eyes. 

"Wake up babe.."


"Come on.. We have good news for you.."

I soon realized it was Zayn's voice. "Beautiful, we'll be visiting our family and you're coming with us.."


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