Chapter 16

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The last 3 months was amazayn. We had our world tour and everything went perfectly as planned. The boys became closer to me, I remember last June. We spent everynight beside each other in my bed because I was having trouble sleeping and Liam didn't agree that Harry will sleep with me, he said that just the two of us is crazy. Well, I guess he's just afraid that we'll do something. 'Something' Haha.

Harry and I haven't spent much time together, alone. The boys were always there with me. Protecting me from 'mad mad boys' according to Louis. There are boys chasing after me. But they won't bite. I think.

Anyway, my birthday is tomorrow. And I've been creeping on the boys for a while. Cause I think they have some kind of surprise for me. 

"Hey guys! Guess what tomorrow is!" I shouted. We were all watching tv and all seated at the couch while Niall is outside talking to someone. He's been doing it for the past few months. Whenever he has free time, he takes out his phone and calls that certain someone.

"It's Saturday!" Louis said.

"Oh. Uhm, yeah." 

"Let's go partying tomorrow night guys." Zayn requested.

"Sure!" The boys shouted.

I can't believe they didn't remember my birthday? How can this be? 

"Hey Louis, I'll just go outside okay?" 

"Sure babe."

I walked outside with tears from my eyes. I wore a beanie and Harry's Jack Wills hoodie and shades. I was hoping someone didn't notice me. But a guy approached me.

"You may put all the disguises in the world and I'll still recognize you." I heard him say. I looked up and saw it was Ed!

"Oh my god! Ed!" I said while hugging him since he was my friend. 

Ed laughed and hugged me back. "Uhm, Let's go over there." We sat under a tree where the breeze was cool. He looked into my eyes and saw it teary.

"Hey hey. Why are you crying?"

"Nothing. Just got something in my eye."

"Well, that something might hurt a lot. Your eyes are red and puffy."

"Sorry.." I wiped a tear of my face.

"Tell me babe, what is it?"

"Well, the boys forgot my birthday tomo.."

"Your birthday is tomorrow?" I nodded. He hugged me and shouted "Happy Birthday!"

"Thank you! Hahaha." He made me laugh cause of his dorky smile.

"Now, that's better." He said. I looked at my watch and remembered I texted Eleanor that I'll be going to her house.

"Hey Ed, I need to go to Eleanor. I have something to tell her. Uhm Bye" I waved goodbye and ran.


*Knock Knock*

*Door opens*

"Ellie, they forgot my birthday" I said while tears ran down my face. I entered her house while hugging her.

"There now, stop crying Kinky. Please?" 

I told Eleanor how I upset I was that my own brothers and best friends I spend everyday with forgot my birthday. She was kind enough to listen to me.  

Louis POV:

*phone rings*


"How can you forget your sister's birthday Mr. Tomlinson?"

"Hi Eleanor!"

"Hello. And why?"

"We didn't."

"You mean.."

"It's all planned love. Is she there?"

"Well, yeah but she's asleep."

"Good. Just let her sleep. We'll be picking her up."

"Where are you taking her?"

I laughed. "Somewhere..You'll be coming too. So pack your bags."

"Uhm, Ok then. But won't she wake up?"

"Naah, she's a heavy dozer."

I hung up, faced the guys and.. "Guys, it's time."

Harry's POV: 

Here we are again Kinky, you asleep in my arms. But this time, you don't even have a clue you're here. In an airplane. I know you've been dying to see this place. I'm sorry.. We're sorry for lying. I think it's best if you don't know. I whispered to her ear. 

It's amazayn how Kinky never felt anything as we carried her to our private plane from Ellie's house. She truly is a heavy dozer. Actually, she woke up. But fell asleep again. I guess she thought she was only dreaming. 

We arrived at the place at 3 in the morning. And she's still asleep. Haha.

We drove straight to the hotel and laid her on a bed. I stayed beside her for a while. Brushing her hair with my bare hands. She was very lovely. I tried not to show her my love these past 3 months. It was very very hard to hide. I don't know if she notices it, but whenever she's near to me, I stare at her. Whenever she's beside me, my heart beats faster. I was very happy to finally be with her, alone. Just the two of us. Problem is, she's asleep. But it'll all be worth it when she sees our surprise, and especially my surprise. I think it's time. It's time for me to tell it to everyone. I won't hide anymore.  

"I love you." I whispered to her. Too gentle for her to hear. 

It was September 1 of 2012. The day she will never forget.  

Kinky's POV: 

"Beautiful, wake up..." I heard someone say while carressing my cheeks.

"Wha... What time is it.. I think I dozed off again." The light blinds me. It's like I hibernated for a month that the light hurts my eyes. 

"Oh. Don't worry. Now, open your eyes.."

I slowly opened them to see Liam infront of me. I turned around and saw the other boys holding party poppers

"HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY KINKY!" They all shouted, all wearing party hats and all in pink. My favorite color. I quickly got up.

"Oh my God!" I said. "I thought you guys forgot." I was crying then.

"You'd really think we'd forget our sister's birthday? Ofcourse not!" Louis said.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you!" I hugged all of them while I heard a knock on the door. 

"Happy Birthday Babe!" I saw Danielle and Eleanor enter the room with a pink cake in their hands. 

"Thank you Danny and Ellie!" I hugged them too. 

Then, Harry grabbed my hand and pointed to the window. "Look."

"What.." I looked outside and a wide smile appeared on my face. A smile that popped and was hard to remove. Why? I saw the Eiffel Tower. Tears were again strolling through my face. "Really?"

Harry smiled widely too. "Yes. Really.." He hugged me from behind while I was admiring the loveliest view I have ever seen.  

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