Chapter 5

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"So, Kinky, about that smiley on Harry's picture.. Do you like like him?"

"Zayn, I told you. That smiley meant nothing. Ha! I have a crush on someone else. He's from my school..."

"Oh. What's his name then?"

"Why would I tell?" Should I tell Zayn? I really want to. But..

"I'm your big brother now.. You should tell me."

"Okay fine. His name is Marco, we're in the same class and I love him... But he doesn't love me back and he loves someone else, broke my heart a bunch of times tho."

"Well, you have to let go. You don't deserve someone like him."

I told Zayn everything that happened between me and Marco. I told him how Marco and I fought like a married couple and how he left me for Sandy. We talked about him for a few minutes, and Zayn gave me advice on what to do about Marco. We spent hours together. The weather was perfect.

The breeze was cool outside... That's why I fell asleep in Zayn's arms.


The next day, I woke up in my room. (in Harry's guest room) Someone must've carried me upstairs. Maybe Zayn. The thought of him laying me down on bed made me blush.

I got dressed and went downstairs for breakfast.

There was food on the table and a note:

"Hey Kinky! We have an interview on Alan Carr so we left early. Sorry but we can't eat together for now. Wait for us. We promise this won't be long. Eatwell. Take care. x -Your Big Brothers

P.S. Don't do anything stupid. -Liam

You can go out partying if you want! -Louis

Shut up Louis- Liam

Bye! We'll miss you.x- Harry"

That note made me giggle. Oh these boys are so damn funny. I love them.

I roamed around Harry's house, it was my first time walking around it. I saw Harry's room, it was clean and manly. I saw a calendar on the wall.. Only a month to go before my birthday! September 1. And this is Day 2 of 1D. Hope I'll survive throughout the month. ;)

I was so bored. The boys took long and I had nothing to do. So I looked for movies, I saw The Notebook. Put in the player and watched the movie.

After a few minutes I heard a knock on the door. 

I was scared. So I got a frying pan and peaked through the see through hole of the door. Thankfully, It was the boys.

Louis laughed so hard when I opened the door and saw I was holding a frying pan. 

"HAHAHA! You'll hit us with a frying pan?!?"

I punched him but he still laughed so hard. "No, just you."

I hit him with the pan, lightly. Then the other boys laughed with me.

"Kinky..." Niall had his serious face on and I can tell it wasn't good.


"OH MY GOD. Tomorrow is the big day?!? But how come? I thought it'll be in a month or two? What if the fans don't like me back? Oh my god. I'm dead." I knew it. Every girl is gonna hate on me and throw dead threats to me. Goodbye Life.

"Hey hey! We're in this together! Trust us, the fans will love you." Louis made me smile once again.I love that about him.

Liam walked through the tv "Kinky, WHAT THE HELL are you watching?!?"

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