Chapter 7

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Kinky's POV:

*Knock Knock*

"C'mon Kinky, open it up. You've got a big day!"


"Please babe, you need to be up early and get dressed. Today is the day!"

I remembered. Today was Day3! They'll be announcing it later. I walked to the door and opened it. I saw Louis. He looked me in the eyes.

"Look, I understand you're upset with what Harry did. I understand cause I've got baby sisters too. He was just trying to protect you."

He wiped a tear of my face and I hugged him.

"We're here for you."

"Is Harry mad?"

"I can't tell actually. But, he hasn't come out of his room. Honestly, you guys are like a married couple!"

I punched him. I think I heard that before tho...

"Can I go to his room?"

"Sure babe. We'll meet you outside. We have to take you to our concert early to have you dressed. Ok?"

"Uhm, sure."

I went to Harry's room. It was open. I think he was expecting me.

"Harry.. can I come in?"

He didn't even answer.

"Silence means yes according to my dictionary.."

"Says who?" He finally talked.

"Says me!"

He was still in bed. I ran to him and lay beside him. I hugged him. Actually, it was pretty awkward.

"Harry, I'm sorry for shouting at you last night. I really am. I guess, I just didn't understand..."

My lips were really close to his. It's like I really really wanna kiss him. But I can't.

"Sorry too love."

He turned around and accidentally, we KISSED!

I pulled myself away quickly and ran outside.

I went to my room.

Sht. What was that about?!? I felt sparks. Ughhh, not again! Nevermind, I'll forget all bout it later!


"What took you guys so long?" Liam asked.

"Nothing." "Nothing."

We both said.

Liam raised his eyebrows. I think he suspects something happened.

We went inside their black van. I sat in front while Harry was at the back. I looked to see if he was okay, he was smiling even tho no one was there to make him laugh. Did he smile because of what happened earlier? That made me blush. 

"Kinky, are you okay?" Niall was beside me eating Pringles.

"Yup. Never been better."

"Ok then, Want some?"

"Why not. Haha."

Harry stood up inside the van and reached his hand for Niall's Pringles.

"You sneaky boy." Niall said.

I giggled. Haha.

After a few minutes we were there. Liam led me to the dressing room. There was a dress made for me. It was beautiful. Too bad the boys were not allowed to watch me getting ready. They had to get their hair done and make up. 

"You are so lucky Kinky. This never happened before." The make up artist was really nice. I was very shy so she was the one who opened up a conversation.

"Thanks. I still can't believe that this is all true.."

"Haha. You have too. You don't wanna wake up if this wasn't true and was just a dream."

"Yup, I won't."

A staff entered our dressing room.

"Is she ready?"

"Just a few more seconds!" The make up artist answered. 

"Wow! You look stunning!"


"See for yourself.."

I looked at the mirror. and I gasped. I didn't even recognize myself. Is this really me? I look like someone from the red carpet!

"Are you ready?"

"Ready as I'll ever be. Thank you.."

"Lota. You're welcome!"

"Thank you Lota. See ya later!"


I walked out of the dressing room. I wore a red dress and loose curls.

I saw the boys behind the camera. Harry turned around.. He was the first to see me.

Harry's POV:

An angel. An angel in a red dress, yup she is. She's so beautiful. She looks even more stunning than before! No, this was not our baby sister. She's a woman.

Should I aproach her? Yes. I think I will.

 Kinky's POV:

Harry coming to me. What should I do? Act normal. Yes. Yes.

"Hey babe. You look gorgeous! You look all grown up."

"Thanks Harry. You look every nice too."

"Thanks love. Let's go to the boys. May I?"

He led the way holding my hand. I had butterflies all the way!

"Guys, meet our princess."

"Oh my God."

Was all the four boys can say. 

"And.. I can't describe but there's something about the way you look tonight..Takes my breathe away. .."

The boys sang in sync. Oh, they were so charming.

"Boys.. and girl it's time. Go up on stage. Harry you'll be the one to introduce Kinky. Liam you lead ok? Goodluck Kinky."



"ARE YOU READY?!?" Liam shouted.

"We have a surprise for our girls. There's a new member of 1D!"

A wild roar came from the audience. I'm sure they were expecting another good looking male. Ughh, I'm sure they'll hate me. 

"They won't hate you." Paul sat beside me backstage. He can tell that I'm gathering all the guts I have. I was sweating up and shaking. I think I'll faint anytime tho.

"The fans aren't like that. In this fandom, we're a family. They even call me Daddy Paul. Sure, some will hate on you but majority of the fans will support you. They'll probably think, 'Finally! a girl member of 1D! She'll be the closest to their fans... stop shaking."

I nodded to Paul as we saw Harry approach me. "Kinky, it's time. Are you ready?"

"Ready as I'll ever be."

I heard Liam. "3...2...Close your eyes...."



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