Chapter 10

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Zayn chuckled. "I saaaid, we'll be going back to 'our' houses and you miss will be coming with us.."

"If you're going to 'your' houses then I wanna go home to mine. Please? I really miss my family. I promise I'll be back before the concert."

"well.. ok then. You'll go home the day after tomorrow. We'll just set the airplane ticket." Liam said.

"Oh gosh, Thank you thank you Daddy Liam" I hugged him tighter than before while he kissed my forehead. 


The boys were packing food for their trip while I was packing my things. I was startled to see someone standing from behind. It was Harry. 

"Hey babe." I saw his eyes were tearing up. "Oh my, Why are crying?"

"Because.. I'll miss our sister." He ran to me and hugged me tight. 

"Awww. Harry, I'll just be gone for a few days. Besides, you'll be gone too."

"But I really, really want you to meet mum and Gemma..."

"Sorry, Harry. Maybe some other time? We've got a lot of those ahead of us. For now, I really want a break from all of this."

"Ok ok. I love you babe."

"Love you too!"


The day has come for me to leave London. The boys dropped me off at the airport. They were the nicest  boys I've ever met. I hugged each one of them and they gave me a kiss on the cheek. Harry hugged me the longest and started crying. I think he really will miss me so much. Hmm.. 

During the flight, my head keeps telling me that I forgot something. I checked my phone, it was there. My wallet, passport and everything important. It was there. But I think I was missing a thing, no, not a thing.. a person! Ed! I forgot to talk to him. Ughh, Maybe I'll just tell the boys to tell him Goodbye for me. Or just talk to him. Oh sht, I forgot. They don't know a thing about Ed. Great, real great.

"Miss Kinky, can I have a picture with you?"

I saw a little girl approached me handing out a camera and a pen.

"Sure love."

Wow, this was a first.

"Do you want an autorgraph sweetie?"

"Yes please."

"ok then, What's your name?"


She was so sweet. She kinda reminded me of myself when I was little.

"Here ya go. Bye, take care love!"


When I got off the airplane there were cameras everywhere. Then, I saw black van and the bodyguards where escorting me to it. I remembered Liam told me to get in a black van. It'll take me straight to my home in Bataan and my mom will be there too. 

People were asking questions but I can't anwer them yet. The management told me they'll arrange a formal press conference for me. 

I went inside the van and saw my mom. She was in tears.

"I missed my baby so much."

I cried too. I just missed her so much. I didn't tell her much stories about my stay with boys since I text her every day. 

After 2 hours, we arrived safely in our house. My mom told me that I'll be going back to school tomorrow and that I should just rest for the day. 

I went to my room and turned my laptop on. I went to skype and saw the boys were online.

Then we had a video call. Zayn was the first one I saw.


"Hi there Zayn!"

"Where are you now? Are you home? How did the trip go?" 

"Home Zayn. It went great. A little asked for a photo and an autograph. She was the first. Since I never had time to go out when I was back in London."

I saw Niall join the video call. "Well, better get used to it now babe. There'll be a lot more where that came from."

"Haha. I know. Probably my private life just ended. Too bad."

"Aww. Hahaha"

"The other 3 are online but why aren't they joining us?"

"They're probably busy. You know, family bonding time."

"Ohh. Uhm, guys I gotta go rest. I'll be going back to school tomorrow. see you soon!"

Zayn and Niall went off when I said Goodbye. But before I logged out, I changed my status: "Hey my brothers! I miss ya. Text me soon K? Love you. :) x" 


Back to school. I hate thinking of going back to school. It's just like how summer vacation ended. But then I thought, maybe this will be a thrill. You know, me being famous now and going in public to school. Hmm.. Wonder what'll hapen. 



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