Chapter 11

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When my mom dropped me off she told me to stay safe. I ran to my room without even looking at around. I was wearing a black hoodie and covered my face with it.

I went to my room and I was the first one to arrive. I looked around our classroom and saw a poster of the boys with me. The picture was taken on the day they introduced me to the fans. They probably saw it on Tumblr and printed it. Tumblr is a great source of one direction happenings.

I walked through the door waiting for my classmates. I know Carlo will be the first one to arrive since he's the one who always arrives earliest. 

I heard my phone. Good thing tho, I reminded me to silent it. Saw a text from Harry.

"Hey babe. How's your first day of school? Miss you. :) x"

"Hey Harry. Good. waiting for some company. I arrived to early. :| Haha x"

He was a quick typer. 

"Aww. Haha. Our sister's excited. Goodluck. x"

"Well, I am. haha. Thanks bro. x"

After a while I got used to the 'sister' thing. I was so glad that I finally had 5 brothers that love and care for me so much. 

I heard the door swung open and saw Carlo closing it slowly. He turned around and saw me.

"Oh my god. Kinky?!?"

"SHHHHH! It's so hard to sneak in here you know."

"Oh my god" He sat beside. He didn't change tho. Still the friendly boy I know. "Why didn't you tell me you were going back here?"

"I wanted to surprise you guys. Btw, can you send a message to the group and tell them you have a surprise waiting in our room?'

"Sure! They'll freak out for sure."

"Haha. I know."

After a few minutes, Joanna entered the room. She screamed when she saw me and dropped her thing and ran to me. I grabbed her and hugged her. I missed my Joanna.


"It won't be a surprise if I told you guys."

"Are the boys with you?"

"Uhm, nope. They're back in London with their families."

"Oh. How long.."

Joanna was interrupted when Kendra saw me and squished me.


Soon enough my other classmates arrived and each one of them hugged me and told me they missed me.

"You know what, when you left. The classroom became peaceful and quiet. We hate that. Haha!" Nico said

"oh really? well then, be prepared for the most annoying noise you'll ever hear! haha"

I saw Marco approaching me and my heart skipped a beat. I was thinking what he'd say. Will he hug me? Or just ignore me? Ughh, I hate it when he talks to me.

"Hey Kinky, We missed you.." he gave me a hug then our classmates teased us. They know what's been going on with me and Marco

 Our teacher entered the room. "Wow! Welcome back Kinky!"

They all smiled at me. "Now now, get back to your seats I know you missed Kinky a lot but we have some studying to do." She continued. Yup, our teacher is a female and we girls love her.

After an hour of studying on our country's history it was time for recess. My bestfriends dragged me outside were a few students took a picture with me and asked me for an autograph. It's weird tho. Seeing the people that you walk passed to without saying Hi or Hello are no taking pictures with you and hugging you. 

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