Chapter 8

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Harry grabbed me by the hand and we walked towards the stage. I saw the flashing of lights. I wasn't shaking anymore, I felt safe in Harry's hands. 

"Girls, meet... the newest member of One Direction! Kinky!"

The crowd went wild. I can't tell if they were boo-ing or clapping. I wonder what my classmates will say when they see this, 

"Hi Girls!" I said.

"HELLOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO" The crown answered back. Then I realized, they were not boo-ing, in fact, they were clapping and shouting. In a good way tho. 

This was the start of something new. 


The concert lasted for about 3 hours. Paparazzi kept following us, I saw flashing cameras everywhere. We were going to the office of the management for a few clear ups.

"So, this is what it felt like." I pointed out the window of the van. I was pointing to the screaming girls running after our van. I can finally use the word 'our'.

I felt Louis' palm touch my shoulder. "Yup. But for you, girls aren't the ones who'll run after you. Much dangerous ones. Guys.." 

Niall laughed. "Hahaha. I can imagine Kinky shopping while boys follow her everywhere."

"That's why, we, her brothers should protect her more." 

Ughh, I thought. Probably they won't let me go out and I won't be able to meet Ed. I wonder what he'll say when he found out about me. 

Ed's POV:

"OH MY GOD! ED!" I heard my little sister shout. 

"Let me guess, it's about One Direction again? Well, I'm sorry but I don't wanna hear it this time." 

"Oh, I bet you do." She grabbed my shirt and pulled me towards the tv,

"This is just in. A new member of One Direction has been introduced! Sorry girls, but it's not another good looking lad. It's time for the guys to be fan girling, cause it's a girl.."

Wow. How can they even think of adding a female member? 

The news showed a picture of newest band member. 

"This very beautiful lady is.."


Kinky's POV: 

We arrived at the office after a few minutes. It wasn't that far from the concert grounds. The security together will Paul escorted us to the building. While I was walking to the door, the press was everywhere! 

"Kinky, do you think the girls will love you as much as they love the boys?"

"Is Kinky really your name?"

"Are you English or British?"

"Where do you stay?"

Different questions from different people I don't even know. Now I know what it feels like to be famous. Stardom is really a crazy life.

Our manager welcomed us. "Congrats 1D! It went great! I was watching through our camera. I know officially welcome Kinky to our family.." He lend out his hand.

I grabbed it for a shake. "Thank you Mr."

"You're welcome. So now you're given two weeks for a break and you'll be back on the road by the 24th day of May.. Have a good one! I expect you guys to look over Kinky."

"Yes sir!" Louis said while saluting. Haha!

We left the building and one by one the boys were dropped off their pads. While me and Harry were left alone in the van. 

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