Chapter 26

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"Kinky, open your eyes.!" They said.

"Hey. I will be with him."

"It's not possible." They told me.

"It's possible."

They say our daydreams are the things we imagine that we know, will NEVER happen. That's why we dream about them. We keep on imagining them because we know, they will only stay as imagines, as daydreams. But you know what? These days, we can talk to people across the globe, we can earn a million by winning the lottery and fall for someone we don't even know. So, who says we can't marry a huge star someday? We can. Because anything is possible.

"Her vital signs are low... I have to be honest...There's a 50% that we might lose her." I hear a man said. I hear them. But I can't open my eyes, or even move my hands.

"No. No. This shouldn't even happen, it's all because of me.." I heard him sobbing. Tho I don't even know who 'he' is.

Then I heard another voice "Don't blame yourself.."

Yet again... The darkness covered me.

Harry's POV:

I remember the day I first laid my eyes on her, it was our first concert in the Philippines. She looked very gorgeous, her eyes sparkled. It took only a short time before I realized I love her. I waited until the right time to ask her, everything was perfect then. But why did I have to leave her? I didn't love Hollie. I wanted to go after Kinky when Liam told me that she left, but I thought that maybe she just needed space. So, I didn't go after her. Then, Hollie met an accident, I felt bad for her, so I took care of her first but as friends. Days passed and my love for her was never gone..

Now, she's here again, with me. Alone, just like when we arrived in Paris. We were in a Hotel back then, but now, we're in a Hospital.

"What did the doctor's say?" Louis asked.

"They told me there's..." I can't even say it without tears falling from my eyes. "50% that we may lose her.." 

Louis punched the wall. He was so upset. Liam and Zayn can't even go inside Kinky's room. They told me they don't wanna see our sister like that, they won't take it. Niall was on his way with Chloe and Kinky's parents were too. 

When she ran away from the party, I went after her. It was dark that night and the rain was pouring heavily... She was about to cross the road. I called her. I shouted her name. But it was too late, she got hit by a van.

"This is all my fault Louis!" I crying out loud. 

"No. Come on, don't blame yourself." Louis said. I can see in his eyes how much pain he's going through. The boys and I love Kinky so much, diffrence is Louis, Niall, Liam and Zayn love her as their own sister but I love her more than that. 

"Harry, I'll just go to Liam and Zayn, I'll tell them what the doctor said." Louis left.

"Kinky, I'm am so, so sorry." I held her hand once again. "You don't deserve this." I hugged her lightly with all the tubes attached to her. I don't even know if she can hear or feel me. But when she wakes up, I will do everything to make her feel my love.

Hours passed and I haven't left Kinky's room. I fell asleep for a few minutes but woke up when the doctor's came in to check up on her.

"Mr. Styles, it's getting late. You should get some rest."

"No, I won't leave her."

"Please? She won't be happy when she wakes up and finds out you're the one who's sick." He said. The doctor has a point. I remember when we were together and I got sick, she was so worried. 

"Ok then. I'll come back immediately, I'll just rest for a bit." I looked at Kinky, her face was pale and her lips were dry. She didn't blink nor moved. I pulled myself closer to her ear, kissed her cheek and whispered "I love you."

Kinky's POV: 

I was in Paris again. In the Notre Dame Cathedral. It was so beauiful. I entered it as I saw a lovely couple in front. The boy was kneeling down to the girl.

"You and I will come back here... Remember this place, cause this will be the place where you and I  will get married." He said. 

They hugged and kissed. Suddenly, they looked at me. The boy approached me. "Kinky, they need you." 


"Harry, the boys, your friends and mostly your family."

"Yes. I know."

"Wake up now. You need to wake up."

"No. He doesn't love me."

"He loves you, more than anyone will... now, wake up!"

I opened my eyes slowly. I saw the bright light and a boy resting his head on my arm. I felt his curly hair upon my skin. His lips touched my palm. "Harry?" I said softly.

"Harry! Harry! She's awake!" I heard a man behind him shout. It was Louis.

"What? What?" Harry said. He looked at me and smiled from ear to ear. "Thank God." He hugged me and showered me with kisses. 

"What happened?"

"Long story." Louis said. "All that's important is your awake now."

"Where are the others?" I searched the room for Niall, Liam and Zayn.

"They're outside, I'll just call them" Louis said as he rushed out the room.

"Everything's fine now." Harry said. "I will never again, break your heart, I will stay with you forever. and ever." 

"Forever is a long time Harry." I smiled. "You sure it's possible?"

"It's possible." 

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