Chapter 19

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Niall's POV:

"Hi Babe!"

"Hey Nialler." 

I've been courting her for months now and all we're waiting for is his dad's go signal. She's the best. She's the girl I've been waiting for. We have a lot in common like eating a lot, acting immature and we have the same laugh. 

"Babe, I really miss you.."

"Aww. I miss you too, but Niall you call me every day. haha!"

"I know, but it's not the same."

It's true. I have been calling her everyday. I think the boys don't even notice that all I ever do is call someone. Chloe and I promised to never tell anyone about our relationship, which we're figuring out. Her mom agreed but her dad is still thinking about it. I want to tell everyone when her dad says yes, but for now.. we'll keep to ourselves.

I'm happy for Harry and Kinky. I know Harry has feelings for Kinky cause everytime he's with her, I can see his smile, it's different. I hope Chloe and me end up together too. I hope.

Harry's POV:

I left Kinky to get dressed. I looked for my phone and saw it under my pillow. I had a message.

From: Hollie

Hey Hazza! I miss you. I hope I see you, and when I do I'll make it the best night of your life. x

Hollie is just a fling. We had a friends with benefits relationship during our stay in London. She's really clingy so I left her. Besides, what we did was just for fun. She's been texting me everyday but I didn't know what to say so I just ignore her. 

"Open up love." I heard someone behind the door say.

Kinky's POV:

After bonding with the girls I went o Harry's room. He opened the door. He looked frightened.

"Hey babe, is everything 'lright?" I asked.

"Oh. Uhm yeah."

I know something was up. But I didn't hesitate to ask any further. If he wanted to tell me, he'll tell it. But if not, then it's fine.

He packed his things and we walked out of the hotel. Still I don't know where he's taking me. 

"Where are we going curly?"

"Somewhere enchanting."

I smiled as he said the word 'enchanting.' Wonder where he'll take me.


We arrived after half an hour. Then, I saw the Notre Dame Cathedral.

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