Chapter 6

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*Sorry for some words. :) Hehe*

Harry's POV:

Sht. I almost said I love you. But why? I have feeling for her?!? NO. I don't want any awkwardness between us. It's hard for her to stay with boys now I'm falling for her? Sht. 

"So, Harry, where is she?" Zayn asked.


"Kinky man."

"Oh. She's eating in a restaurant near a park. "

"With who?"

"With... I don't know. I forgot to ask"

She must've met someone and asked her to eat together.

"She's 14. She knows well on to who to be with, besides, Liam told her not to talk to strangers. I..I trust her.."

Me and the boys continued eating. After, Zayn, Niall, Louis and Liam left. Leaving me alone in the house.

It's getting a bit late. Where the hell is she?!?

Kinky's POV:

After eating we walked around the park.

"You're really beautiful..."

"How come boys from my school don't know that? Haha! Thanks tho."

"Maybe they do.. They just don't tell you.. You know what sometimes we boys are shy and they keep the truth to themselves."

"Well, how come you're not the shy one?"

"Before I was. I never talked to anyone and never  wanted to be with anyone. But when I met this one person, she changed my life. But because of my shyness I never had the guts to tell her that I love her and she left without even knowing. Since then, I promised myself that I'll change. And here I am now.."

"Good thing you changed... But it's really not bad to be shy sometimes.. Cause sometimes you need to be one."

"Thanks. By the way, where do you live?"

"Somewhere near from here. Can't tell you, sorry. haha.Speaking of home, I really need to get home. My brothers will kill me.."

"Oh cool, you have brothers?"

"Yup, five actually."

"And you're their only sister?"

"Hahaha. Yes."

"Are you a lesbian?"

"NO! Hahaha."

"Cool. haha. Ok then, take care. See you tomorrow maybe?"

"I have something to to tomorrow. Maybe... some other time? It was nice meeting you!"

"Ok. You too!"


Harry's POV:

I wanted to talk to someone. But the boys weren't here, so I decided to call my sister. Gemma.

"Hey, Gemma.. "

"Hey bro! How are you? How come you don't visit us here? Is your new bandmate there now?"

"One at a time Gemma. Haha. Sorry, I'm too busy, but I promise I'll go there. Yup, she's here. And I think I'm falling for her."

"Really? It's been a long time since you've been in love! What great news! You should follow your heart my little brother."

"You really think so? Isn't that a bad idea?"

"Well, If she feels the same way then great. Do her parents know?"

"NO! That's another problem! Filipinos are very... strict."

"Tsk tsk. Wait Harry, I have to go. Talk to you soon bye!.."


She hung up. As always. I wonder what she's doing.

"Hey guys!" 

Kinky's POV:

"Hey guys!"

"The others already left.."

"Oh. I'm stuck with.."

"Where have you been? It's late! Who are you with?"

"You're not my dad! Why do you even care?!?"

"Your parents trusted us to look for you!"

"Well then, I was roaming around the town. ALONE! Satisfied?!?"

Ughh! He was so full of it. I hate him!

"You're grounded!"

"Says who?!?"

"Says me!"


I ran to my room and shut the door. Took out my earphones and blasted the volumes all the way up. I thought this night was gonna be the best night with Harry. At first I thought I was falling for him, I think I was wrong.

Soon enough, I fell asleep.


What the hell did you Harry? haha.

Let's find out what happens next! xoxo.

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