Chapter 25

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"Da da da da" Here he goes again. Mimicking the wedding bells.

I rolled my eyes. "Shut the hell up! I'm trying to sing here?" I was practicing for my concert here in London. It was after the wedding.

"Hahaha sorry. You know, you do have a choice. You can just say some lame excuse to not attend the ceremony." Ed said.

He has a point. "You know what, maybe I will.. it's not like.."

I stopped as I felt my cellphone vibrate. A text message.

From: Liam

Hey Kinky, we just wanted to tell you that... You're the bridesmaid.

"I'm required to attend." I continued. Just my luck.

"Why?" Ed asked as I threw my phone to him. "Ow." His eyes widened as he read the message. "You know what, It's like destiny is finding it's way."

"I hate you." Destiny? More like bad luck.

Ed and I wandered around London for the day with his wife and daughter Gemma. His wife was the sweetest and so is Gemma. For a moment there I forgot about all the things I've been worried about. I wasn't worried about my concert at all, I was worried about the wedding more.

And then, the terrifying day came...

"Wake up Missy!"

"Aww. She still sleeps like a little girl."

"Even tho she's like 25."

I hear voices. Voices that I think I heard before. Oh no. "What the.."

"Good morning Kinky!" There they are. The boys standing in front of me.

"Nice hair." Louis said. I stood up and faced the mirror in Ed's guest room. Woah. My hair was like an afro.

"Anyway.. We just wanted to tell you that... You need to be at the wedding at exactly 10.." Niall said. It was like 8 already.

"It's 8." I exclaimed.

"Uh, we know. Oh, and here is your wonderful dress." Zayn pointed to the dress that hung in Ed's open closet. "Beautiful."

"Sure is." Liam said."We'll be going, we need to get ready too. Don't wanna be late for the wedding.." They all left. Four. One is missing. I know he won't show up, he's a coward.

Time passed by so fast. And the time has come for me to go to the ceremony..


I remember, when I found out about 1D. I was 14 back then. I first fell for Harry, he seemed so perfect. "I will marry him...someday." Then my friends would say "Not gonna happen." But hey, I got to join 1D and been Harry's girlfriend for a few months. I guess, at this moment. Anything can happen.

Now, I see them getting married.


"take you to be my wife, my partner in life and my one true love. I will cherish our friendship and love you today, tomorrow, and forever. I will trust you and honor you I will laugh with you and cry with you. I will love you faithfully Through the best and the worst, Through the difficult and the easy. What may come I will always be there. As I have given you my hand to hold So I give you my life to keep So help me God."

"I, take you, to be my husband, my partner in life and my one true love. I will cherish our friendship and love you today, tomorrow, and forever I will trust you and honor you I will laugh with you and cry with you. I will love you faithfully Through the best and the worst, Through the difficult and the easy. What may come I will always be there. As I have given you my hand to hold So I give you my life to keep So help me God."

"I now pronounce you husband and wife..." "You may now kiss the bride.


"CONGRATULATIONS!" We all shouted. "Niall and Chloe!"

As the newly wedded couple walk down the confetti covered carpet, I reminisce the time we saw them kissing and how happy Niall was when Chloe's father agreed that they get together. I remember how much Niall would call Chloe. They were really in love with each other. Oh how I wish, we were like that. But I guess, not.

"Oh my, Kinky! You came!?!" Chloe said. She looked very very beautiful in her wedding gown.

"Ofcourse! Why the hell would I miss my bestfriend's wedding?" I hugged her while she whispered something in my ear. "Darling, I think he's here."

"I know. But I haven't seen him since yesterday."

"You'll see him. Soon." She looked around. "I have to go. Talk to you later."


Soon. Why did she... Nevermind. I thought.

I sat down with the other guests, when I saw Zayn walking towards me. "Babe, come sit with us."

I looked at their table, I saw Louis and Liam wave to me.

"Wait.." It was too late as Zayn grabbed my hand and sat me down beside an empty seat and Louis.

"Heeeey babe!" Louis said.

"Hi." I don't even know how to act around them anymore. It's like I grew apart from them.

"You have grown even more beautiful." Liam said.

"Oh. Uhm, thanks."

Louis cracked some of his jokes and even tho they weren't that funny, I still laughed. I guess I have to admit that I did miss them.

"We're still your brothers, Kinky. I hope you know that." Zayn told me while holding my hand.

"And I.. am still your daddy." Liam said while hugging me tightly.

I told them what happened in the Philippines. I told them my stories and how I was successful. We all had a laugh and once again, I gained brothers.

Everything was perfect, but someone had to ruin it.

"Oh shoot. Sorry guys, what did I miss?" I heard a guy who sat on the empty seat beside me. I know his voice. I turned around and saw.. Harry.

"Uhm.." Zayn looked at me after looking at Harry.

"I need to go to the ladies room. Excuse me." I left. And I wasn't thinking about going back. I had no reason to go back. I was there when my bestfriend got married and that's it. I ran outside with tears in my eyes, everything that happened before flashed through my mind.

"Kinky!" I heard someone from behind scream my name, but I didn't look back. Instead, I continued running. A lot of thoughts in my head. The rain poured as I crossed the road in my gown.

"NOOOO!" That was the last voice I heard that night.

Aftet that, everything was pitch dark.

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