Chapter 24

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"I won't go!"

"You should go!"


I remember the last time I had this argument. It was with my mom, about how much I wanted to go to London. But now, it's with Ed and how much I don't want to go back to London.

"It'll be awkward. People will start asking.. And.." i stopped as I heard my manager call me. Me and Ed were at my office. "Wait."

"Missy, I just wanted to tell you that your next concerts will be in London, Australia and.."

"Wait, what?!?"

"I said..."



I guess Ed won the argument. And so did my manager. If it wasn't for my concert, I really won't go. They can drag me to London but I still won't go! I hate this.

"Ready yet?"

"Yup. My bags are packed while my heart's on my sleeve."

"Save the drama for later. We still have 2 days before the wedding and then your concert.."

"Ok ok." I'll be going back to London with Ed. He told me everything will be fine. I dought it.

I had to hold back my tears when we will were on flight. I remember every thing. The time I first had a trip to London. The time the boys took me secretly to Paris and the time when I felt safe in his arms. Asleep in his chest, the time I felt his love. I found tears from my eyes.

"Hey hey, stop crying. People might think I did something." Ed said. He never failed tp make me smile. He is the 'best' friend I've ever had.

I stood up and went to the Restroom. When I got out, a teenage girl was next to me.

"Oh my God." She said. I think I met her before. "Kinky?"

"Uhm, yes... wait. Have I met you before?" She looked very familiar.

"YES!" She said. "Remember? Lia!"

Oh my. Am I really that old now? The last time I saw her, she was so little. How can I forget her? She was the first person to ever ask for my autograph.

We sat down to a chair next to us. "So, how are you?"

"Well, fine I guess. By the way, I'm still a huge fan!"

"Aww. Thanks Lia."

"Anyway, I just wanted to ask. Why did you leave them?" Oh, them. The boys.

"I wanted to be on my own."

She rolled her eyes. "That's what they all say, but really. I know there's a different reason."

I wasn't ready to tell anyone yet. But I think she was already a close friend. Besides, she seems really nice.

And so I did tell her. She listened and told me "Wow. Such a strong person. So I guess, I'll be seeing you on the wedding?"

Wow. Did the boys invite all their fans? I mean, that's one big wedding.

"Yup. Bye!" we both left.


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