Chapter 18

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"Finally!" I heard Liam said. 

Me and Harry went down while holding hands. Both of us were blushing all the way. 

Zayn jokingly slapped Harry. "You're good in keeping your feelings..."

"Thanks bro." Harry said. 

We went back to the hotel and had a party in Niall's room who was talking to the phone again. After a few minutes, Harry grabbed my arm and we sneaked out and went to my room. Harry shut the door and I got nervous. But Harry hugged me and whispered "Don't worry love, I won't do anything. I know you want to do this at the right time. I can wait." 

I hugged him back, tighter. "Thank you Harry."

We laid down in my bed. My head was resting on his chest while Harry's hands were holding mine.

"You were surprised, weren't you?" He said.

"Yes! I never even thought you'd do something like that."

"Hey. I'm a romantice ain't I?"

"Uhm, yeah. Haha."

We spent the last hour talking about random stuff. This is what I love, being with someone that I can talk with no matter how random our topic gets. I loved him with all I am. He does too. I can feel it.

I closed my eyes while Harry ran his fingers through my lips and started pecking it. A lot of times before he kissed me slowly. We stopped when someone entered our room. 

"Love birds, go out where I can see you." It was Liam. I knew it. It only took him time before he'll come crashing into my room. Harry kissed me again and carried me to Niall's room. 

We stayed up all night. 

Harry's POV: 

"She fell asleep. Awww." Danielle said. "You better get her to her room. Go on."

After singing and dancing non stop Kinky fell asleep on Niall's bed. She wasn't used to staying up late. She gets sleepy easily. 

I carried her to her hotel room and laid her down. Liam told me to sleep in my own room, I wasn't allowed to sleep with her just yet. I thought I'd just surprise her when she wakes up.

Kinky's POV:

I opened my eyes and saw green eyes looking back. It was my boyfriend. 

"Good morning love. I got you breakfast in bed." 

I saw a breakfast in a wooden tray placed on my lap. I kissed him on his cheek. "Thank you.."

After eating breakfast together Harry left to get dressed. Did I mention he was in his boxers when I saw him? Haha!

I jumped on my bed and started screaming. "HE IS MINE! MINE! OFFICIALLY MINE!?!" I started singing Mine by Taylor Swift when suddenly...

"What the?"

I saw Eleanor and Danielle stood there, with mouths wide open. I smiled back and they fell on my bed laughing so hard.

"Whaaaat? I just can't believe he's mine..." I throwed my hands up in the air and twirled around.

"That's how I felt when Liam asked me." Danielle said. "Me too." Eleanor raised her hand. "Louis that is." We all laughed.

"Do you think this will last long?" I asked them.

"It will." Danielle said.

"Oh and get ready for the death threats, but I'm telling you, none of it even happens." Eleanor rolled her eyes.

"Thanks girls.. I love you.." 

"We love you too...Group hug!" 

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