Chapter 12

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"She knows."


"She knows. Mom knows. Mom knows I live with Harry." I called Liam as soon as me and my mom stopped talking."

"Oh." He doesn't looked surprised. Why? "I know.."


"I know. I told her. Remember? Your mum told me to tell her everything. So, I told her.. Sorry Kinky." okay, I was mad, but I has no right to be! He's right. Well, what he did was. I should've told mom.

"It's alright Liam. I understand.."

"Btw, Kinky. We'll be the ones to pick you up there in the Philippines.. "

"GREAT! my friends really really wanted to see you.. Tell Niall someone's waiting for her here in my school.. Chloe.."

"Sure thing babe. Bye then.."

Chloe will be so happy! She never liked anyone but Niall. They'll be a great couple too!

I can't wait to tell them!


A day passed and my press conference was done. They asked questions about how my stay was, how good are the boys and who's my favorite. Well, right now , I can't really tell but I think Harry was always my favorite

and that'll never change. Now, it's time for the girls to meet the boys. I told them to go to my school and from there I'll be leaving to London. I already said goodbye to my mom.

When I arrived in school I went straight to my bestfriends. "GUYSSSS! guess which good looking boy band will come to our school!?!"

"OMG! 1D?!?" They all shouted.

"YESSS!" I looked at Chloe who was fangirling. "Niall will finally meet her lost princess.."

"Oh yes he will! Does my hair look good, do I smell, how do I look???"

"You look great. Me and the boys will be leaving after this so better make the best of your day with Niall..."

"Sure will!!!"

The boys arrived after a few hours. They were welcomed by a lot of girls screaming and crying while we were at our classroom waiting for the boys. They took some pictures and went immediately to our classroom. My classmates, especially the girls, were screaming but as soon as the boys entered our room, they stopped. The boys saw and ran to me giving me hugs and kisses.

"i missed you so much!" Harry carried me and swung me around.

"I missed you too but can you please put me down? Hahaha" I was giggling the whole time.

"Sorry babe. I really really missed you.."

Liam faked a cough. "So.. Where are your girlfriends?" I pointed at the girls standing behind the boys. They were all blushing especially Chloe.

I looked at Niall as he turned around. "Niall, meet Chloe..." I grabbed Chloe and pulled her closer to Niall.

"Hi Chloe!" The four boys said. While Niall was speechless. Louis slapped Niall.

"Oh. Sorry. Wow, you're very beautiful.." I can tell Niall and Chloe were blushing.

Chloe smiled cheekily. "Thank you, Niall.."

"So, uhm me, Louis and Zayn will be downstairs signing some autographs.. We'll leave Harry and Niall here."

"Sure Liam."

Me and Harry sat at the corner. "I bet Niall and Chloe will make a great couple." Harry said.

"Yup. They have the same characteristics... I think they were made for each other.."

Harry held my hand and kissed it. "Just like how we were.."

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