Chapter 3

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Me and my mom have been arguing since the day 1D asked me to be a part of their band. This is my dream, but clearly my mom doesn't understand that. 

"You're only 14! 14! Kinky! You're too young to be in a position like this!" My mom kept shouting my name and telling me that I'm way too young to be on my own.

"But Mom, please? This is what I want."

"How 'bout your studies? Titigil ka na sa pag aaral?" My mom shed a tear after that. 

My parents have worked a lot for me to go to school and now I'm wasting all of that just to be world famous... 

"Ok. When there are no world tours then I'll go here and go back to school for the meantime..Will that be fine Mom? I really want this. And I promise, If anything else fails, I'll go back to my normal life." I hugged my mom and she seemed to agree with me.

"So, is that a 'yes'?" 


The management gave me a few days before I go to London, where I will be staying for a month. I don't even know what to say to my teachers since the management told me to keep it a secret for a while. My bestfriends keep asking me about what's happening.

"Are you pregnant?" Kendra asked. She was the biggest of us girls. Quirky and crazy.

"NO! Why would you even think about that?!?" Well, I can't blame them, if I was one of them I'd probably think about that too.

Justine, the girl-next-door type, turned to me "You'll be gone for a couple of months and you're asking us why we think you're pregnant? Kinky, What the hell is happening here?!?" 

"I promise I'll tell you guys every single detail but for now, I just can't tell you.. Besides malalaman niyo rin naman."

It was so hard to keep these from my bffs, they're the closest to me. 

"Aalis ka? Where are you going?"

I turned around to see this tall, fit, white guy. His name was Marco. I loved him since 1st year high even though he never felt the same, I think he and Sandy are together. They've been spending time a lot together these days... and it hurts. But I think this trip will make me forget about him, because I really really want to, all he gave me was a heartbreak anyway.

"Uhmm, Yeah. I can't tell you. Sorry."

I told him while looking straight to his deep brown eyes. I hate those eyes because they get me everytime. 

"I'll.. We'll miss you..."

"Aww. Thanks. I'll miss all of you too."

Then he walked away. As usual. When he talks to me, it's either he's fooling around or he just wants to ask me something, sometimes, something stupid. 

After a few minutes. We heard a knock at the door. I saw a guy with a hat and shades. Looks, familiar. 

"Uhm, Hi. May I excuse Kinky?" 

He sounded British, my friends even shrugged me thinking he was my suitor. I quickly went outside to talk to him, to Liam.

"Hey Babe, our manager wanted to tell that you're flight with us is tomorrow.."

"What the.."

"I know, it's earlier. But don't worry, we'll help you pack your things and talk to your principal and stuff."

"You and who?"

"The boys ofcourse." Liam pointed to the four other boys sitting on the bench. I didn't recognize them since all of them had shades and beanies on.

"Oh. Uhm, Okay then. I'll just tell my friends goodbye..Can you guys just talk to my principal without me?"

Harry stood up. "Sure babe."

"Ok, Thanks. See you in a bit."

All five of them gave me a hug and went downstairs. Then I remembered I forgot to tell them to keep it normal. But, oh well, I'll leave anyway.

I went back inside and I saw my classmates all seated. It's as if a teacher entered the room. Then I saw cartolina on the board saying "WE WILL MISS YOU KINKY!"

I cried and hugged my bffs then the others. 

"I promise.. I'll be back. But if anything else happens, I just want to thank you for everything, I'll miss all of you too.."

After that, all I know is I was burried at the middle of a big group hug. Everyone was crying. If only, I could tell them the greatest new I have. But, I can't.

I pulled my four bffs to the corner of the room.

"Please, don't get mad if you find out something big about me. Ok? I'm really sorry that I can't tell you any of it. But, don't be mad ok? I love you guys. a lot. I promise, you'll know what's happening, soon.."

J hugged me again and told me if I was ever going to another country, she hopes it's London so I can be close to our idols, One Direction.

"Yeah. I wish. Hah."

Oh. If only you guys knew.


I went downstairs and saw the boys waiting for me at the front gate. We went inside a black van and drove off to my house which was a bit far.

"So, how (the) goodbye go?" Harry asked me.

"Well, my classmates cried, I did too. I'm just gonna miss them so much."

"Did ya tell them?"

"No.." I knew he meant about me being in their band.

"Ok. It's for your own good kinky.." He smiled and face the windows.

After a few minutes.

"We're here!" The driver stopped at our front gate.

"Wow. You're house is...big and nice." Niall told me.

Our house wasn't that big. It was fit for me and my family, since there's only three of us considering I'm an only child. It was white, looks clean from my perspective. 

The boys entered the house and roamed around. Then they found my room..

"Hey lads look! It's us!" Louis pointed to a picture on the wall. Yep, It's them Ha! I forgot about that picture. 

The boys looked at it, smiled then went to the kitchen to eat. But Zayn didn't leave. He stayed looking at the picture.

Zayn noticed something then asked "Why is Harry's picture with a smiley face?"

"Uhmm. Nothing." 

"Oh come on.. Do you have a crush on Harry?!? Spill..." 

I don't want any awkwardness so I just said "No. I have a crush on someone else from my school.." Then I punched him soflty making him laugh. 

We both went to the kitchen.

My mom didn't look fine. Ofcourse, she was worried about me going away with a bunch of boys. My mom turned to Liam while he was eating. 

"Liam, since you're the daddy direction, I hope you take care of kinky.. Ok? I trust you.."

Liam smiled and winked at the boys and me "Yes, Mrs?"

"Mrs. Nosis"

"Yes, Mrs Nosis!"

After dinner, the boys all slept in my room while I slept with my mom. Me and my mom had a talk about me leaving. She cried. Told me to take care of myself and not to trust much. I hugged her, and we both fell asleep. 

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