Chapter 28

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"Dinner time love!"

"Just a minute."

"and the end."

"What's taking you so long mommy?" Darcy asked me.

I closed my laptop. "I was writing our fairytale darling." 

"Ooh. Can I read it?" She smiled.

"Haven't I told you our story a bunch of times love?" 

"Yes but..."

"What is taking my two lovely girls so long?" Harry said as he entered our room.

"I was just writing something."

He carried Darcy and kissed me on the cheek. "Well then, let's eat dinner." He grabbed my down and we rushed downstairs.

After we ate dinner, Darcy fell asleep. She was like me. A heavy dozer. Harry laid her on her bed.

"She's so beautiful." I told Harry.

"Just like her mom." He winked. "Now, that's settled." He kissed my lips slowly. "You're next." He said.

After the wedding, Harry and I settled down in a mansion in the Philippines. I told him that I wanted our dauhter to grow up where I grew up. We both agreed.

Remember when I told you guys that if this was a dream, I don't wanna wake up? Turns out, this wasn't a dream. It's for real. And finally, everything I daydreamed of when I was a teen came true. Who said daydreams don't come true? Well, they do. Trust me.

I know. ;) 

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