Chapter 22

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Happy endings only exist in books. Like in Cinderella, Beauty and the beast and many more. To think of it, I had so much luck in my life. Being in One Direction and having Harry as my boyfriend. But, I don't live in a storybook so, I don't expect a happy ending. 

Years passed by and I am now 18 while Harry was 21. Our relationship grew stronger, so did Chloe and Niall's. 

Everyday I prayed that our me and Harry will end up together, but life is not a bed of roses. Sometimes, life offers you roses but expect the thorns.


Harry and the boys went partying that night and I was left alone. I don't usually go to parties like that. I laid down on Harry's bed and felt something beneath his pillow. It was his cellphone. I always scroll through his messages. It annoys him, but lets me do it. 

I saw our text messages, which put a smile on my face. But I gasped as I saw a message, from a girl named Hollie. 

I never told Harry, but his past girlfriends DM-ed me. They told me that I should take my brain with me, Harry was a flirt. I know that. They even told me to take care of myself.

I opened the message.


Hey babe, let's meet up. I miss you so much. xxx

Harry didn't reply to her message. In fact, not one of her 5 messages were read. I guess Harry just ignores her. 

Harry's POV: 



"I left my phone."

I usually put my phone in my pocket but it wasn't there.

"Kinky will take care of it. Have fun." Zayn said. 

He stood up and joined the wild crowd in the club. I looked around for the others, but it's like the dancing crowd swallowed them whole. 

"Harry?" I turned around and saw a girl behind me. Hollie.

"Oh. Hi Hollie..." 

"So.." She moved closer to me. I was drunk and not thinking straight. 

It was pitch dark.

Kinky's POV: 

"Soo.. How did the party go?" Actually, it was a stupid question. The boys all came back drunk. Except for Liam who was leading Zayn to the guest room. Louis and NIall were hugging each other.  I laughed at them. They were the craziest goofballs I know.

"These kids should stay here for the night." Liam said as he pulled Louis and Niall apart.

"Sure..." I looked around for my boyfriend but he wasn't there. "Where's Harry?"

Liam searched the room for Harry. "I thought he was with us already. Oh well, he'll come back eventually " 

Liam's POV: 

"Louis! Louis!" 


"Will we tell Kinky, about Hollie?" Louis was still a drunken pig. But he manged to talk to me anyway. Harry left the club earlier and according to the staff he went out with a blonde girl. We know who it was. It was Hollie. She was the only one who's got the guts to cling to Harry. If Kinky knows about this, he's dead. The only thing keeping me from telling Kinky is their amazing relationship. I love Kinky, I want to protect her, but I don't know how. 

"No." Louis said with eyes half open. "Let's wait for the right time." He went back to sleep.

I know it's right to tell Kinky. But.. I'll just do it!

I went straight to Kinky's room and saw her watching tv. 

"Yo." She said.

"Kinky, I have to tell you something.. Harry.."

"I'm home!" 

Kinky's POV: 

Liam was interrupted when we heard someone shout donwstairs. Probably, Harry. I ran downstairs and saw him, so drunk. 

"Harry, I told you not to drink much." 

"So..sorry babe. Ughh, massive headache." He said.

I lead him to his room and laid him down. I didn't ask about the Hollie thing. I placed his cellphone beside him. I trust him. I know he won't do anything that will end us. 

But, actually, you never know. 

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