Chapter 21

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Niall's POV: 

This is it. 

*Knock knock*

"Hey. Wha..." It was her sister. "CHLOE!"


"Hurry up, downstairs. NOW!"

I saw her walking down the stairs. No, not walking. Running. "What do you..Niall!"

She came rushing to me and we hugged each other. Soon, her parents saw me. "Come in Niall."

"You came all the way from London?"

"No, sir. From Paris actually. Kinky and the boys were spending our vacation there." 

"So, why did you come here?"


Kinky's POV: 

As we walked out of the London Airport I saw boys and girls shouting. I saw signs that said: Welcome back Hinky! 

I pointed it to Louis who laughed so hard. "It sounds like Piggy!" I slapped him. "Ow." Harry saw it two and laughed. 

We went straight to Harry's flat while the others went to go somewhere else. 

"This is now, our flat!" He shouted. 

"Sure is." 

"So, since.. we're alone today.." He hugged me from behind and kissed my neck.

"Harry!" We heard a man behind us. We turned around and saw Niall. He looks so happy. He told us Chloe and him are now official and Chloe. I called Chloe immediately and she confirmed that it was true.

Another voice came from outside. "1D!" Turns out, it was Paul.

 "Oh. Sorry. But I just wanted to tell you that your concerts are arranged. We'll be leaving tomorrow." 

"Yey!" He said sarcastically. 

Harry and I never parted. The concerts lasted for 3 months and every thing was great, our fandom is growing. Seems too good to be true eh?

Yup. To be true. 

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