Chapter 2

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"You sounded amazing! Pwede ka na maging singer!" 

My bestfriend J still couldn't believe that I sang with the boys on stage. She had to slap our faces to prove that it was not a dream.

"Well, this is the most memorable night of my life...I'm sad hindi ko na pwede balikan ulit."

"Ganon talaga.." "Kinky, I'll go buy us drinks can you wait for me here?" 

"Sure J.."

I went back to what happened earlier. After I sang with the boys that night on stage, Louis took me backstage and he went back on stage. Paul Higgins talked to me. 

"Hey! Kinky, you sounded amazing! I bet it would be wonderful if you joined 1D for real.."

"Thanks! But, It's not up to me.. I still have to ask my parents about that. Besides, I'm only 14."

"Ha! I know. So, Bye then. Take care. "

"I will. Bye Paul!"

After that, I left the building since the concert was also done. 

Now, I'm alone. Waiting for J, who's taking a lot of time. I stared at the ground, looked around. Then..


"What the.."

"Over here!" 

I looked to my far right and I saw a guy in a blue blazer and curly hair. To my surprise, it was Harry!

"Oh! Hi Harry!"

"Hey Kinky! Thank God you're still here, we don't know where to find you incase you went home.."

"Oh. Hmmm.."

"So.. I was here because our manager wanted to ask you one important thing."

"What is it?"

"Just come with me.. "

"But my friend J is.." I haven't even finished my sentence when Harry grabbed my arm and pulled me towards a black van. 

As we walked towards the van, I was praying. Well, I was scared! I mean who wouldn't be scared?!? I mean, I don't even know this guy. I don't know what we'll do inside the van. Just in case, I unlocked my Iphone.

Harry opened the door for me and told me to go inside. As I climbed up, I saw Zayn and he helped me in. 

"Hi Ms. Kinky.. This might be an unappropriate place to tell you this. If we were in London we'd be speaking in our office but since we're here we have to be in a private place so I chose to be in a car." 

I giggled. Then Zayn and Harry looked at me and laughed. 

"That's ok." I smiled at them.

"So.. Let's cut to the chase. Do you want to be in One Direction?"

Liam, Louis, Niall, Zayn and Harry all stared at me. 

"Please?" As Harry made a puppy dog face you just can't resist."

"Ok. Sure.." Then the 5 boys gave me a bear hug while Harry and Zayn kissed me on the cheeks.

To be honest, I wasn't even sure. I have to tell my parents about this.. and I bet they will say.. 


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