Incoming🏈 001

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"Shut up you stupid slut"I said to my bestfriend Chelsea.

"Just look at those abs on Jake, such a hunk bar"She says and I roll my eyes.

Here we were after school waiting for cheer practice to start and Chelsea was drooling over Jake. Ew.

"Let's go ladies"Coach Mel yelled and we ran down from the bleachers.

We got into windows and we did our stretches. I pulled down my little black practice shorts and bent over and touched my right leg. Melissa counted to ten then I switched legs.

"Huddle up ladies"Coach Mel said we all walked up to her and waited for her to talk "as you all know we have competition coming up, we have three flyers. Our smallest on the team Chelsea, Cassidy, and Taylor".

"Why is it always those three?"Melissa asked rolling her eyes

"Well because they are the smallest on the team problem? Then walk"Coach Mel said and Melissa rolled her Brown eyes.

"Let's work on these stunts NOW" Coach said and we all huddled.

"Alright let's start with a cradle" I yelled out.

They all surrounded me and I lifted up in their hands and they threw me and I balled up and fell into their arms.

"Let's do original extend now" I yelled again

They lifted me up and put me all the way in the air. I heard the football players yelling "oh Shit" and next thing I knew I felt a object hit my head then I fell and blacked out.

Where the hell am I? Am I dead? What happened? Oh no I never got to finish watching Stranger Things or 13 Reasons Why.

"Is she gonna be ok?" I heard Chelsea say and I opened my eyes and she forced me into a suffocating hug.

"I'm fine"I mumbled and I grabbed my head as a pain shot through it.

"No stay down"Chelsea said in a rushingly matter and grabbed some pills out her purse.

"I need to go home bubbles"I said to Chelsea and she shook her head not till you feel well.

Next thing I knew Blake Solomon walked in shirtless with a guilty look on his face.

"Can I talk to her privately?"he asked Chelsea and she walked out with a grin on her face and watched in the window.

"How may I help you?" I asked

"My bad.." He said well I know its your bad buttface "I mistakingly threw the ball and knocked you down".

"Oh its alright I've been through worst pain and injuries"I said cheekily and he chuckled

"What's your name princess?"He asked

"Cassidy not princess"I said "I know who you are Blake"

"Well you've done research?"he said smirking

"I'm a cheerleader its my job to know the football players"I said annoyed

"I can see your a cheerleader" he said eying my tiny cheer shorts and tank top

"Dude stop staring so hard for your eyes pop out their sockets" I said

"And If I don't"

"It's rude to stare"

"Who cares?"

"Ugh shut up Buttface"

"Alright princess" and at that I rolled my eyes.

My perverted ways came to me and I stared at his rock hard abs. Those are definitely delicious. all six are there. That's so hot. Look at that sexy V Line.

"You done checking my body out?"he said with a smirk

"Pfftt As If I was checking you out" I said

"Want me to help you out and to your car"he asked and I shook my head.

"My bestfriend will help me"I said as I looked at her

"No I won't gotta blast be over there tonight kisses love you"She said rushing off. Mighty slick

"I change my mind can you help me to my car?"I asked irritated

"Alright princess"he said and he picked me up bridal style.

"Dude just help me walk"I said

"I'd rather skip the hassle and carry you" He said

"I'm totally enjoying this"I said with sarcasm

"I know you are"he said and my eyes rolled to the back of my head

"Note the sarcasm buttface" I said

He walked to my car and he gently put me down at my car door. He stared at me and our eyes connected call me Cliché but there was totally something about him that made me wanna kiss his lips so smoothly.

"Alright princess I gotta go"he said

It all started with a footballWhere stories live. Discover now