Birthday🌸 020

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July 13th. It's finally my birthday and I'm finally 18. Hell Yea. Tonight Blake is taking me out to dinner for my birthday.

I was doing my makeup and my mom walked in my room with a present. The wrapping was gold with a pink bow. I grabbed Tue box and I looked at her.

"Don't shake it or you'll break it"she said with caution and I slowly peeled the ribbon off and I slowly took off the wrapping and I opened the box and A tiny head popped out.

"What the Fuck"I yelled and A puppy came jumping out and I started crying. Its my dream puppy.

A tea cup shi zu, a tiny white one. It even head a tiny crown on. I grabbed the puppy and I held her up to my chest. This is the best day ever.

"What you gonna name her?"my mom asked

"Maybe Belle or Cinderella"I said

"Name her Cinderella, it was always your favorite book"My mom said and I nodded

"Yea Cinderella is cute"I said picking up the puppy and walking into Chelsea room.

"Hey Slutty Birthday girl"Chelsea said.

"Hey Chels"I said

"What you doing tonight?"she asked

"Blake is taking me out to eat to a fancy restaurant"I said

"I have a surprise for you"she said going into her closet and getting three bags, a bunch of balloons, and a present.

"Wow that's a lot"I said as she sat the stuff on the bed

I looked in the pink glitter bag first. I pulled out the extra ass paper and I reached to the bottom of the bag. I pulled out a pair of glittery heels that had diamond on them. These were fucking gorgeous. I looked st the tag and seen the price.

"Chelsea you really didn't have to spend this much on me, I mean three thousand"I said

"Cassidy come on now you deserve the world, you deserve real diamonds and happiness"she said and pushed another bag to me

I pulled out the extra paper and I reached into the bag and pulled out like ten pairs of 'Pink' panties and a few matching bra's. Then at the bottom of the bag was two gift cards.

"Woah I'm surprised you didn't get lingerie"I joked

"I almost did"she said and I laughed

She gave me another bag and I looked inside and seen happiness at it's finest. I looked at the bag that was filled with all of my favorite candies and chocolates, then I had a few restaurant gift cards at the bottom.

"Are you about to cry?"she asked me

"No"I said with my voice cracking.

She chuckled and passed me a box. I opened the box and I looked at the picture frame. This was the first day we met.

I walked over to Chelsea and gave her a big hug.

"Blake are we almost there"I complained

"Yes princess"he said placing His hand on my thigh and squeezing it a bit. Can you say instant waterfalls?

I looked over at Blake and Hus eyes was fixated on the road ahead of us.

"Its rude to stare"he said smirking

"Well I don't care, If its mines I can stare at it"I said and he gave my thigh another gentle squeeze.

Fuck. Stop doing that!

We pulled up to a beautiful house.

We pulled up to a beautiful house

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"Where are we?" I asked

"This is my new house"he said and I gasped and ran to the door.

"it's beautiful"I said and we walked in and we went into the dining room. There was two silver platters sat down on a blanket.

"I haven't decorated the house yet, no furniture"he said

"I actually love this"I said sitting on the floor and he opened the platters.

They had burgers and fries in them. A bowl with chocolate covered strawberries. A bottle of wine.

He remembered my favorite food and  favorite fruit snack. I took a bite into my burger and moaned in pure satisfaction.

"After we are done want a tour of the house?"he asked me and I got so excited.

He walked me into a big room "this is the master bedroom". I walked around and looked in one of the closets. It was a huge walk in closet. The other closet had a few shelves.

He finished touring me around the house and I was in love with his house.

"Its so beautiful"I said as we walked back into the living room.

"Listen I know we... Its just that.... I was.... I was thinking if maybe you could move in with me? And when you say no I'll understand" he blabbered on and on and on.

I put my hand on his mouth  and I looked him in the eyes.

"Yes"I said and his eyes widen and he jumped up and down like a little girl and cheered.

He pulled me by my waist and gave me a deep passionate kiss. I loved it.

He reached into his pocket and he pulled out a key. The key had a C on it.

"Tomorrow we can start redecorating of you want"I said

"Nah next week we have to buy some things"he said and I nodded my head.

I have a house with my boyfriend.

Is this going too fast?

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