Tara is Back💅 028

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I walked in the house and sat my keys on the kitchen table. I walked in my room and looked at my picture of Blake I keep under my pillow.

Tonight is the big night!

I cleared off my bed that had cut out pictures of Blake. I taped them all to my wall and looked at the finished product. Thousands of pictures of Blake on my wall.

I kissed the human sized poster I made and pretended he was kissing me back.

I will have him and he will love me like I love him. I did everything for him and he cheated on me with that bitch. Cassidy! I want that bitch to die!

I took a sip of my wine and I grabbed my car keys and made my way to my destination.


I dropped my phone on the bed and I grabbed my charger from my purse. I put my phone on charge and I went to my mirror and put my hair in a bun.

I heard something fall downstairs and I walked downstairs.

"Babe? You back early?"I yelled through the house

"Hehe I'm not your babe bitch"I heard a high pitched voice say

"Tara what is your problem? get the hell out my house"I said pointing to the door.

"Eh I don't feel like it"She said walking close to me and I backed up

"Tara back the hell up"I warned her and she walked closer and I punched her right in her mouth

"You bitch"She said attacking me to the ground.

I pushed her off me and punched her in the mouth.

"Wassup bitch" I said and she snatched my hair up and I punched her in the stomach.

She dropped me by my hair and grabbed the broom stick. This bitch about to sweep me off my feet hahah.

She slammed the broom stick down to my right and I moved to the left. She slammed it between my legs and I grabbed and snatched it making her flip over. She grabbed my leg and I kicked her on the cheek with my heel.

I stood to my feet and the house phone rang.

"Babe? You at home do you want me to bring you some tampons or pads?" Blake voice said through the speaker

I ran to the phone but Tara beat me there.

"Blakey come home"Tara said

"Bitch get the fuck out my house"Blake yelled

I grabbed the phone and slammed it against her head and she fell to my feet.

"Babe Bring me some Pads, I need over night and some regular ones, call you back I gotta finish beating her ass"I said hanging the phone up and kicking Tara in the stomach

She grabbed my foot and bent it shit. I fell to the ground and she crawled on top of me, She grabbed my hair and slammed my head down repeatedly. I snatched her by her hair and flipped her above my head.

Tara got up and ran up the stairs, I ran after her. Midway up the stairs she kicked me down them. I lifted my head and watched as she scurried around the corner. I got up and she jumped out the corner and I grabbed her face and punched her. I had her by the stairs and she slipped and grabbed my hair and I fell with her. I groaned as I got up and she got up slowly too. I pushed her down the rest of the stairs and kicked her in the stomach.

Blake came rushing into the house with a few police officers. They grabbed Tara and cuffed her and took her out the house. I gave Blake a hug and he wiped the little bits of blood I had on my lip.

"Are you okay baby"he asked looking at my face and looking at my scratches.

"I'm fine"I mumbled

"Cassidy sweetie are you okay?"Blaire asked running into the house and checking my face out

"Yes I'm fine"I assured her and she took a breathe of relief.

"You guys wanna sleep at my place tonight?"She offered

"No were good"Blake said and she nodded her head

"Please be safe"She said

The detective came in and started asking questions.

What a night!

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