Chelsea and Jake🔐❤ 027

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"Jake shut the fuck up"I yelled as Jake sung off key to a song.

"Babe you love my singing"He said and I smiled as I took a sip of my lemonade.

"Babe please stop yelling"I said and he smiled at me.

We heard a knock at the door and I answered it. It was a tiny box and it was attached to a note.

Chelsea everywhere you go, I go. Jake will never love you -FirstLove

Jake walked behind me and read this and he balled up the paper and opened the box. It was a necklace that I had threw away years ago.

"Chelsea what the hell is this?"He asked

"I don't know"I said unsure

"Who the hell is obsessed with you?"He asked and I shrugged my shoulders and threw the box and the necklace away.

"Babe I wanna do something but it's a crazy idea"I said and he pulled me close

"What is it?"he asked

"I wanna see my parents"I said and he said okay.

We pulled into my old childhood house. I walked up to the door and I knocked on the door. My father answered the door and he looked at me with no expression. My mother appeared behind him and she pushed him out the way and gave me a tight hug and tears escaped her eyes.

"Where have you been? I've been looking for you"She cried and I went into her arms and cried

"Mommy I missed you"I cried and my dad watched with a hard expression

"Who is that boy on my porch"He said

"My boyfriend Jake"I said

"Nice to meet you"my mom said

"Tsk Tsk Tsk. Still a whore?"he said and my mother scoffed.

"You will not talk to her like that"My mother yelled

"Dad I'm not a whore"I cried And Jake grabbed me and pulled me close.

"Marilyn get in this house now! We don't know her"My dad said and my heart fell

"I want everything to do with her! I miss her"My mom said standing up for herself

"Well then get out my house"he yelled and she scoffed

"I have nowhere to go Harold"She scolded

"To hell for all I care"he said pushing her out and slamming the door closed

"Harold I have nowhere to go"She cried repeatedly

"Yes you do, we have a guess house you can stay in"Jake said grabbing my mom and putting her in the backseat.

We pulled off and Jake had his hand on my thigh as he drove.

"Princess your not a whore your everything amazing"He said soothing me and I smiled

"I remember when Harold was that sweet and amazing but liquor ruined him"My mom said dazed

"Oh really? You guys were once happy?"Jake asked her

"Yes very happy. Do me a favor don't drink"my mom said and I smiled at Jake.

I caught Jake catching a few looks at me when he thought I wasn't paying attention.

"I love you so much"he said out of nowhere

"I love you too"I said back and he smiled.

"Promise you'll always love me"he said putting his pinkie out and I clasped my pinkie to his.

We got out the car and we showed my mom the guess house.

"There is a kitchen, bathroom, living room, and bedroom"Jake  said taking my shoes off for me

"Thank you so much"she said exploring the guest house

Jake went upstairs to take a nap and I joined him.


"I can't take it anymore, I'm leaving you"Chelsea said packing her clothes. "Please don't leave me"I cried. She packed up everything and called her a Uber. "Jake get off of me! fuck off! I'm leaving we are moving too fast. I can't take it"She yelled at me. The love of my life was walking out on me because she thought we were moving too fast. "Please don't leave I love you"I said and she scoffed.

I woke up abruptly out my sleep and looked to see Chelsea sleeping peacefully. I shook her and she woke up.

"Will you ever leave me?"I asked her

"No baby no"she said in her sleepy voice

"Please don't leave me, can you hold me?"I asked and she laid down and pulled me close to her and played in my hair.

"I love you Jake"I heard her say before my eyes shut and my dreams took over.

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