Happy Anniversary💐 025

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You guys want a update on how life Is going? I started my first semester of college. Chelsea and Jake moved in together a month ago.

A year ago today Blake asked me to be his girlfriend. So today is our one year anniversary. Yay.

I grabbed my silver hoop earrings and placed them into my ears. I grabbed my black purse and went with Blake into the car. We drove in silence and only the music filled the car.

"I dug my key into the side of his pretty little souped up four wheel drive, Carved my name into Hus leather seats. I took a Louisville Slugger to both headlights, slashed a hole in all four tires. Maybe next time he'll think before he cheats" I sung along quietly.

"Jesus fucking Christ I feel bad for that guy"Blake mumbled and I turned the radio down a little.

"What do you mean?" I asked him

"She ruined his perfectly fine car"he explained

"Oh, well I'd never do that"I said smiling

"Good babe or it's you and me in a boxing ring" He said jokingly while pulling over to Jake's house.

Jake answered the for shirtless and we both walked in. I went into the kitchen and seen Chelsea with one of his long shirts on. I cleared my throat and she jumped.

"Well Well Well" I said sitting my purse on the counter and walking over to her

"Hi you want breakfast"she said with her face full of embarrassment.

"Babe put clothes on"Jake said and she scurried to his room.

I walked in the living room with the boys and seen then playing the game. I watched them play until Chelsea finally came back fully dressed.

"So what are you guys doing for your anniversary?"She asked grabbing a strawberry and stuffing it into her mouth.

"Well I'm making a nice homemade dinner and were gonna enjoy ourselves"I said and she smiled widely

"Have you guys had sex yet?"She asked me and my face went burning. I'm pretty sure I'm fucking blushing.

"Uhm no"I said picking at my strawberry then eating it.

"Why? Its not like your a virgin"She said "Get some D"

"I know I'm not a virgin, but my mind is still a virgin"I said and she handed me a box of condoms.

"You'll need these"she said stuffing them in my purse.

"Uhm okay"I said

"Use them when your ready"she  said and she gave me a hug "I really missed you"

"I missed you too, we need a girls day" I said

"How about next week, I have work all this week"She said

"Where do you work?"I asked her

"Forever 21"she said

"You think you could get me a job in the mall too?"I asked and she nodded her head.

"Yea of course"she smiled and Blake called my name

"We have to go"he said opening the door for me and closing it behind me. He opened the car door for me and I got in the car and he closed it.

"What do you want to eat?"he asked me


"Nevermind we're getting Starbucks"he said pulling into a Starbucks.

We walked in and the cashier eyes immediately heats up from the sight of my boyfriend.

"So hey do you have a girlfriend"she said looking my way

"Uhm me?"I said pointing at myself

"Yea cutie"she said winking

"I uhm my boyfriend is uh" I stuttered

"We'll take the Smore Frappé"Blake said

"Okay anything else beautiful"she said looking at me

"Mine" Blake said grabbing my waist and kissing me gently.

Date Night

I fixed my dress and sat the plates on the dining table. I lit the candles and Blake came into the house.

"Happy anniversary baby"He said giving me a box.

I looked in the box and seen a pretty diamond necklace. I gasped and I jumped as the cold metal touched my skin.

We sat at the table and started eating.

"Remember the time we were at the movies and you threw popcorn in that little girls juice"I said giggling

"Okay that doesn't beat when you got into a fight with that little boy over the last Cookie dough ice cream"He shot back and I started laughing then I took a sip of my water.

"Baby go take a shower and I'll be waiting for you"I said and he did as told.

I played the radio low and lit some candles. He came into the room and I gave him a kiss.

He grabbed my waist pulling me closer and I took off my shirt and he groped my chest. He laid me on the bed and kissed my lips softly.

"Are you sure you wanna do this?he asked me and I thought about it.

"Yes I'm sure"I said and he took my shorts.

"I love you Cassidy Bloom"He whispered into my ears

"I love you too Blake Solomon"I whispered in his ear.

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