PROM💐 016

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My mom added the finishing touches to my makeup and she handed me the mirror.

"My god mom it's amazing"I said as I looked in the mirror.

My whole outfit was complete and I mean not to brag but I look smoking fucking hot.

My whole outfit was complete and I mean not to brag but I look smoking fucking hot

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(Cassidy Prom Outfit)

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(Cassidy Prom Outfit)

Chelsea walked in the room and looked amazed. I was amazed with how she looked. Gorgeous. She had a glow in her face that I've never seen before.

 She had a glow in her face that I've never seen before

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(Chelsea Prom Outfit)

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(Chelsea Prom Outfit)

"My two daughters your all grown up"my mom said wiping her tears away

The doorbell rang and my mom went down to answer it. Jake and Blake stood there in suits. Gorgeous dates we have.


Wow. Soon as she walked down the stairs my mouth fell open. She was absolutely stunning. I was lucky to have her...... Well as a date.

"Close your mouth douche before something goes in"she said and she was breathtaking.

Soon as Jake seen Chelsea his face was priceless. He finally got to be with his four year crush.

Cassidy she just flew into my life. I don't regret hitting her with that ball. I love Cassidy but I'm scared to tell her.

"hello to you too gorgeous"I said and just like that her face was red.


Fucking Bloody Hell why can't I stop blushing. His smile, His laugh, HIS BODY, he cleans up so well.

My mom made us pose for at least one hundred pictures. Damn that woman.

Chelsea and I followed the boys Into the limo they had gotten. I held hands with Blake as we drove and sung along to old Disney channel songs.

We pulled up to the Prom and all eyes went our way when we walked in the building. Like literally every fucking eyeball turned our way.

Tara walked our way and snickered.

"Hoes like you don't deserve Blake"she whispered

"Isn't that why you don't have him?"I said in fake questioning voice.

Melissa came towards me and hugged me.

"I'm gonna miss cheering with you"she said "we've cheered together for five years"

I don't even like you Melissa. You tried to take my spot.

"I can't even say that same"I said and walking off to Blake.

"This years prom queen is Cassidy Bloom"they principal said and I stopped dead in my tracks. But I didn't run for prom queen.

I walked up center stage my dress glistened in the light. They placed a crown on my head and a applaud of claps roared. Chelsea had tears falling out of her eyes. She a fucking crybaby!

"Prom king is Blake Solomon" the principal announced

I clapped loudly as Blake approached the stage. He took place next to me as they placed the crown on his head.

"Can I say something"Blake asked before taking the microphone

"Back in November I hit a beautiful girl with a football and she fell. Going face to face with her I instantly fell for her. We've been hanging out since November until now June, seven beautiful months. Cassidy Bloom I love you. I would love for you to be my girlfriend" he said and I took a deep breathe.

"Yes Blake"I said as happiness shot through my body

"Go bestfriend"I heard Chelsea yell

Blake grabbed my waist and pulled me into a passionate kiss. The corner of my eye I could see Tara pissed I think I  seen steam leave her ears. Woah.

I was now and officially Blake's girlfriend.

It all started with a footballWhere stories live. Discover now