Truth💯💯 011

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I walked up to the destination where I was meeting Chris at. I walked in and I seen him sitting at a table alone fidgeting with his fingers. I sat down at the table and looked down..

"Hi beautiful" he said looking at me in the eyes and I smiled a bit.

"Hi Chris"I whispered

"I miss you"he said silently

"No you don't you only wanna have sex again"I scolded

"Don't make it seem like you didn't do anything wrong, you left me and acted like I hurt you" he said hurt "you left me"

"I had to"I cried


"Because I thought I was gonna die"I cried

"What?"he said hurt

"I was gonna jump off of the Clairemont Bridge"I said wiping my tears away

"Why would you leave me like that? I gave you my virginity. I tried to protect you" he cried clearing his tears

I have never seen him cry. Ever.

"Stop don't cry"I said sitting next to him and cleaning his tears for him "I love you".

"I love you too"he said kissing my forehead and grabbing my hand.


I looked at Blake who was sitting in my room laying in bed with me. We've been talking for 3 hours about everything.

"Okay do you want kids?"Blake asked me

"Yes, I want one daughter"I replies happily

"That's cute"he said

"What would you name your daughter?"I asked him

"Samantha Rose Solomon"he said and I smiled. The name was cute.

"That's 21 questions"I said "out of the whole game you didn't ask me if I was a virgin"

"I don't care if your a virgin or not"he mumbled.

"Blake what do you hate most?"I asked

"Fake people, Dick head boys"he said smoothly and I giggled.

I took a deep breath in and I looked around the room. Why haven't we talked about the kiss? Did he forget? Was it just the heat of the moment? Ugghh I'm so stupid. Sksjsksksbdjd!!!!

"Your very beautiful"he said looking at my eyes

"Thank you, you too"I said and I rolled my eyes at myself. Really Me too? are you fucking serious? Seriously Cassidy?

"thanks babe"he winked at me and he grabbed my waist and pulled me closer.

"I-dbdhdhhdbdn"I said and he pulled me closer and kissed my lips.

"Cassidy I like you"He said with my face cupped with my hands.

"I-i like you too Blake" I said looking directly in his eyes..

"Can I kiss you?"He asked I mean hell yeah.

"Y-yes" I stuttered and he kissed my lips and I wrapped my arms around his neck.

His mother came barging in and we quickly stopped. She smiled and winked at me.

"I brought some cheeseburgers and fries back"his mom said smiling very hard at us.

"You want some food? he said

"Yeah why not" I said and we walked downstairs to the kitchen.

Emily sat there smiling at her phone as she stuffed some fries in her mouth.

"Hi Em"I said sitting by her and taking fries and a burger out the bag

"Hey Cass"She said looking up from her phone and smiling at me.

I took a few fries in my mouth and I took a bite of my hamburger. I moaned in satisfaction of how good this burger was.

"Blake get the girls some drink"His mom said and he groaned and got out three glass cups and filled them with Strawberry Smoothies.

"Thank you"Me and Em said at he same time and he winked at me. He is so fucking godly

"Are you guys dating?"Emily burst out "because Blake talks about you a lot"

"Emily seriously"he groaned and scratched his head awkwardly.

"Aww Blakey Wakey embarrassed"Emily cooed and I started to laugh

"Alright em leave him alone"I said drinking my smoothie and chuckling a bit.

"Thank you"he said and finished eating his food.

I put my hair into a high messy bun and threw my leftover food wrappers in the garbage.

"Cassidy is your family still coming over for dinner tomorrow night"his mom asked and I nodded my head

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