Dinner with the Solomans🍴🍸 012

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I had on a black thigh mid length dress, with sparkles on it and black pumps. My hair was slightly curled loosely and my makeup was natural.

Chelsea had on a Pink knee cap length dress with nude heels and her hair straight.

We walked into the Solomon household and Emily ran to me and gave me a hug.

We gave small hugs to each other and then talked a little bit.

"Dinner will be ready in twenty minutes so get comfortable"Mrs. Solomon said and rushed off to the kitchen

"I'll help you"my mom offered and followed her

Chelsea and Emily were on the couch giggling about some joke Chelsea had just said. Blake approached me and he gave me a hug. I kissed his cheek and ruffled his hair.

"You look gorgeous babygirl"he said Babygirl? Holy Monkey juice boxes.

"You don't look bad yourself handsome"I said and he wrapped his arm around my waist and guided me to the couch with Chelsea and Emily.

"Awh must be nice"Chelsea cooed and batted her eyes.

I rolled my eyes and chuckled a bit.

"Dinner is served"Our moms said giggling

We walked to the kitchen washed our hands and started making our plates. I grabbed a steak, mashed potatoes, butter roll, and a another butter roll because I love butter roll. Butter rolls are lifee.

I sat at the dining table and I waited for everybody else.

"Okay we must pray"Mrs. Solomon said as she sat down "Blake".

"We come together for this beautiful dinner that our lovely mothers have prepared for us, we pray and we thank you for bringing home Emily back to us safe, We pray that one day these two beautiful families will be bonded and united one day, We hope you continue to nurture and care for us we come to you and say AMEN"Blake said and I stood in wow.

What did he mean by bonded and united one day? I don't get it.

Everybody said Amen and started eating their food. I took a bite into my steak and let a moan in satisfaction out. Blake rubbed my thigh as I took some mashed potatoes into my mouth. I started to squirm into my seat as his hand went up and up. He touched a part of my panties and I jumped up and excused myself.

I walked into the bathroom and looked in the mirror and put some lip gloss on and I walked out but Blake grabbed my waist and pulled me back into the bathroom. My chest rose and fell harshly as he looked me directly into my eyes. I brought my lips closer to his gently and he pulled me closer and deepened the kiss. He slowly played with my tongue and grinded his body against mine.

"Cassidy? Are you ok"Emily said

"Yea"I said catching my breath "go back to dinner".

"Ooh ok"she said amused.

We both walked out the bathroom and sat back at the table. Chelsea and Emily looked at us smirking. I shifted in my seat as I finished eating my plate of food.

"Wow Mrs. Solomon this was great" Chelsea complimented and I agreed

"Let's chat and chill for a while"Mrs. Solomon added and we all walk into the living room

"Blake are you ready for the big game tomorrow night?" My mom asked and He nodded his head "Cassidy and Chelsea has been practicing these dances and cheers all night for a week now".

"Yea well the cheerleaders are the reason we win"he said

"So happy it only two weeks of school left"Chelsea groaned and everybody laughed and agreed

The rest of the night was us talking and laughing. We even played charades and it was the funniest thing ever.

"Thank you Mrs. Solomon dinner was amazing"My mom said

"You welcome we have to do this again"she replied

"but at my house" my mom said before waving off and getting into the car with Chelsea. I pulled Blake into a small hug and kissed him on the cheek.

"See ya Blake good luck"I said and I got into my moms car.

"Cassidy get away from the door"Chelsea yelled

"No"I whined"I called shotgun"

"Too bad" she said sticking her tongue out

"Get in the back both of you"my mom yelled and we both hurried to the back seat.

I crossed my arms and I huffed

"Butt head"She said


"Bra Stuffer"

"Fish lip"

"Kool-Aid head"

"I WILL PULL THIS CAR OVER RIGHT NOW" my Mom yelled looking at us and glaring

I shut my mouth and huffed again digging into the car seat with my fingertips.

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