Netflix and Chill🎬 003

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Thank god it was Saturday. No school. No practice. No teachers.

Hello Princess -B

Stop calling me that I had a dog named that -C

Well a hello or a hi would be nice-B

Hi Blake. How are you? Do I care? Hell no -C

Such a mean arse- B

W/e what are u doing not that I care - C

Nothing. Wyd? - B

Bored and watching Netflix - C

I take that as A invite I'm omw. -B

Blake No -C



I groaned and threw my phone on the bed and soon enough Blake was climbing through my bedroom window.

"What the hell?" I yelled

"Sup babe" He said

"Why are you here?" I asked

"Cause I am"

"Well leave"




"I'll call the cops"

"Go ahead"

I rolled my eyes and sat on my bed and finished flicking through Netflix options.

13 reasons Why? No watched. Stranger things? No. Fifty shades of gray? Gosh No. before I fall? Ha no. Something Sappy and romantic? Maybe. A scary movie? Maybe. Confused? Hell Yea

"Just pick a damn flick" he said and I rolled my eyes and clicked on Fifty Shades of Gray.

I laid on my bed soon he did too and I looked at him crazy.

"What Netflix and Chill"he said "except a real chill"

I shot my eyes to the movie and I scooted closer to him and laid MY head in his chest. I was so into the movie I caught him catching a few glares at me.

I stuffed it in my mouth as all the ranch kept dripping down. What you dirty minded freaks? I'm eating pizza. Duh.

"Ranch on pizza? Gross"Blake said

"Don't judge me, ranch is great" I scolded

"And you scolded my pineapples on pizza"he said

"That's gross. Leave my ranch alone and I'll leave your pineapples alone"I said as I held my heads out to shake and he firmly gripped my hand and shook it.

The movie finished and Blake was sleep on my lap and I sat there awkwardly and I looked around. I laid down my head.

I woke up to a warm feeling around my waist. I opened my eyes and closed them again. I nudged Blake a bit to wake him up and he moaned in his sleep. That was totally hot. I nudged him again and he woke up.

"Y-you want breakfast I'll cook"I said and he nodded

"You got an extra toothbrush?"he said and I nodded

"If you need some clothes to shower my brother and you are about the same size"I said and he nodded his head

I went to my brothers room and I got out some sweats and a wife beater. I threw them at him and I went to brush my teeth.

I walked downstairs and started getting the ingredients for pancakes. I did the pancake batter and I added chocolate chips to it. I started cooking the pancakes. I got out strawberries, kiwi,banana, and nutella. I cut up all of the fruits and got out some plastic plates. I hate washing dishes. I put the hot pancakes on the plate and I buttered mines up.

Chelsea came in through the front door and took some pancakes too. She does this everyday, you just get use to it. Blake comes from downstairs in the outfit I gave him. He grabbed some pancakes and took a seat too and Chelsea stood there mind blown.

"Hello"Blake said at the brown head girl staring at him.

"Why is he here?"Chelsea asked

"Netflix and chill"

"Omg already"

Not like that"

"Totally like that"

"Not like that"

"Its not like that we watched movies till we passed out"Blake added and I smiled and gave him a "thank you".

"Well Hi Blake I'm Chelsea, Cassidy Bestfriend"Chelsea introduced herself

"Nice to meet you"He said and finished eating his pancakes. He took all of our plates cleaned our mess and went back up to my room.

I looked at Chelsea, who looked at me smiling.

"Whats going on?"Chelsea asked and I told her everything "do you need condoms, I'll bet you'll need extra large". She reached in to her purse and I rolled my eyes.

"No condoms needed"I said "but I'll bet I'll need a extra small tho".

Chelsea laughed And I shook my head. Chelsea left after we talked for a while and went to my room to see Blake sleeping again.

"I'm pretty sure if we needed a condom it wouldn't be a extra small, It was extra large"He said and I gasped

"You heard that?"I said shyly

"Yes if you want you can always check out Mini Blake"he said and I scrunched my face.

"I had fun"I said breaking the silence and he nodded saying "me too".

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