Party 🎊 002

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"Your going to that party"Chelsea said throwing a dress at me. I looked at the dress it was a pink mid-thigh dress. I scrunched my face up and shook my head.

"I'm not wearing this"

"Yes you are"

"I'm not going"

"Yes you are"

"I'm staying home"

"No your not"

Yes I am"

"This could be the party of a lifetime and--"

"Fine" I said going into the bathroom and taking a shower and changing into the dress. I always lost my argument with Chelsea, so I just gave in.

"Get the hell out the car" Chelsea yelled at me

"I just wanna stay home and eat Nutella and watch Netflix"I whined

"No get the hell up and out my car" she said before yanking me out.

We walked into the mansion and the party was already wild. I could have sworn a naked girl ran past me. Chelsea gave me a red cup and got her a blue cup. I took a small sip of the alcohol and the burn ran down my throat and my face twisted but I liked it. A few sips turned into four sips and four sips turned into three more cups of alcohol. I am a light weight so me doing this had me flying outer space in a shoe.

I stood in the corner as my head spun lightly and I went to get a bottled water. Well the water was just another cup of Vodka. I drank some cranberry juice to kill it a bit.

Woooo Hell Yeah" I yelled as I stood on top of the roof of the house.

"Jump babe"a random dude yelled and I raised my cup in to the air.

"This is for all those fucking teachers telling us what the hell we can't say" I slurred


"This is for that dumb ass principal getting mad over a tiny bit of our shoulders showing"


"Fuck Highschool" I yelled before jumping off of the roof and waiting for the splash but it never came.

"Your coming with me princess"He said and I held onto him as he carried me but I flew out his arms and to a keg stand.

"No more drinks for you princess"Blake said as he held me bridal style.

"Hey what rhymes with Blake?...... Snake.... If a cat and a dog had babies what would it be called?...... A dat? Or a cog?....." I rambled on and on until Blake slapped his hand over my mouth when we got into a room.

"Shut up"he said staring at me in the eyes "Stay here don't move princess I'm going to get you a water bottle".

"Yes Sir"I said and I sat there quietly as I watched him leave out.

I waited for a few more minutes until I decided I wanted to go the bathroom.

I was about to get up but the door flew open and a tall gray eyed man came rushing in and he looked at me full of so much lust.

"I was just leaving"I said shyly

"Why babe the party just started" he said grabbing my waist and I pushed away.

"Hey dude let go"I said irritatingly until he started to put his hand up my dress and he groped my chest. I went into serious panic mode.

"You'll enjoy this"he said laying me over the dresser and pulling up my dress and taking down my panties.

"Help me.... Blake" I cried until he stuffed my mouth with a sock.

He unbuckled his pants and slapped my arse and gripped the back of my neck. I heard a loud thud and his weight was no longer over me and I cried of fear as I seen a angry Blake. I pulled up my panties and my dress down.

"Don't ever touch another female without her permission"He said punching the guy hard in his nose. I flinched as I fell to the floor and cried.

Blake touched me and I flinched and he told me its ok. He picked me up and carried me off to his car. The car ride was very silent all you could hear was my sniffles and Blake's hard breathing.

He dropped me off by my door step and I walked in the house. I looked at him one more time and I walked to my room.

Chelsea texted me.

Hey you okay? I was bloody scared for you. I cried at least six times. I seen you get in the car with Blake.- C

I'm fine dude - Me

Get some sleep you wild girl 💀- C

I shut off my phone and put it on charge and I jumped in the shower scrubbing harshly at my skin. He grabbed me in a way I didn't like. What a fucking monster. I had the water on full heat.

I laid in the bed and I thought about everything until Blake texted me.

Don't think about it princess. It didn't happen .sleep tight Babygirl -B

Princess? Babygirl? Must be autocorrect?

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