Chelsea👑👑 010

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I looked in the mirror and watched as Cassidy played in my hair. I loved Cassidy with my whole heart, she was the only reason I was still alive.

"You're thinking about it again aren't you?"she asked and I shook my head

"No I'm fine"I lied "just period stuff"

"You're lying, I know your week Chelsea please don't lie to me"she said sadly and looked down

"Yes I am"I said truthfully

Three years ago my parents kicked me out because they found out I wasn't a virgin. I told then truthfully and straight up and they kicked me out and disowned me. They removed all evidence of me being there. I hated them. I hate them.

I heard a few sobs come from Cassidy. She hated when I was sad and when I got in my depressed state. She made me stopped cutting, and suicide attempts.

"Please don't do this again it's gonna kill me"she said barely above a whisper

"I won't"I said kissing her cheek and rubbing her back

Truth be told we were both broken and depressed. Cheer and each other was our way out.

She cleared her tears and went to her room. I looked in the mirror and cleared off the makeup I had on my face. I washed my face and then put my hair into a butterfly bun. I was already in short and a tank top. I got in bed turned the fan on and took off my socks. I laid in bed and closed my eyes.

"I love you, I swear I love you"He said and I kissed his cheek

"I love you too Chris"I said smiling

"You owe me"he said and I took a big breath

"I'm not ready"

"Don't you love me? Its just your virginity"He said

"I do love you"

"Show me then, let me know"he said grabbing my hand and pulling me into his bedroom.

He took off my shirt and them slid off my pants and pushed me on the bed. I laid there scared for my dear vagina. He took of his shirt and went in face first, I arched my back as his tongue invaded my pocket book. I started to shake until he stopped and put on a condom.

It all started with a footballWhere stories live. Discover now