Blake😍 024

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I looked in the mirror and looked down. I'm a monster, a terrible person.

"You sure you wanna do this?"she asked me. She nodded her head and kissed my lips and unbuckled my pants. "Yes daddy".

I grabbed my tooth brush and added water to it.

"You are a rapist, you raped me"she spat at me. I looked at her angry father who came at me with a bat and he hit me with it. "She is lying"I said spitting the blood up from out my throat. The girl smiled as her dad went into the house. "I told you to love me or you'll pay"she whispered into my ear.

I spit out the toothpaste and I rinsed my mouth.

Beep... Beep... Beep ...... The doctors come running into my room and the air is thinning on me. I can barely breathe. "He is losing too much blood hurry and grab the bags"the doctor yells.

I wash my face and go out and watch Cassidy playing the game. I sat beside her and I wrapped my arms around her. She turns the game off and cuddle into my arm.

"You brother didn't make it"I could hear my moms voice saying. I slammed my fist against the ceramic wall. "If I had just drove the car myself, I killed him"I cried and laid my head back on the bed.

I took a deep breathe and gave Cassidy a kiss and rubbed her back as she laid on me.

We had just left a party and my brother and I decided not to drink. My brother stormed out the party after just getting into a fight with his girlfriend. We got in the car and he sped off. I kept telling him to slow down but he wouldn't. I heard a loud crash and I flew out the car. I got up and  ran towards his car and I pulled him out the car. I did CPR and called the ambulance.

"Baby are you okay do you want me to run you a hot shower and give you a massage?"Cassidy said
"Uhm sure babe"I said and she got up from my lap and went running into our room.

My mothers loud cries filled my ears as they took his body away from us and to the burial site. I watched as his casket slowly went into the ground and I started to cry my mother held me as the tears fell. I walked to his casket. "No please don't go,I need you"I cried as my older brother was finally into the ground.

"Blake your shower is ready come on babe"Cassidy said and I took my clothes off and got into the shower.

"Take your time"she said

"Blake it's been a month come out your room"my mom said. I locked myself into my room and my mom begged me to come out. "You haven't even eaten please Blake I can't lose you too"she cried and I opened the door. My mom grabbed me and hugged me. "Mom I don't wanna be here anymore, I wanna be with Amir"I cried into her dress

I got out the shower and placed a towel around my waist and I went into the room and Cassidy had the lights low and soft music playing.


I rubbed the lotion on his back and I gave him a gentle massage. I grabbed oils and massaged some more. Soon I heard Blake's soft snores fill our room.

I heard Blake yell and I jumped out my sleep and I grabbed him and pulled him close. He grabbed my waist and said something that made my heart break a little bit.

"Please don't leave me"He cried and I wrapped him in my arms and kissed his cheek.

"I'll never leave"I said and he cuddles into my chest with a little tears rolling inside my oversized sweater I was wearing.

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