Defenseless🎯🎯 007

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I blacked out the pressure was too much for me. I couldn't take it. Too much.

Blake got suspended and my mom picked up Chelsea because she has a doctors appointment. I decided to walk home and think. Quietly.

I walked behind the school and a group of girls were there Tara, Megan, Zara, and Tyler. I walked past them as they called my name and soon enough they all walked up to me. I ignored them but one of them yanked me back and I rolled my eyes.

"Boo hoo she's all alone"Tara said

"Not really my spirit animal is with me and also my alter ego"I shot back

"Well they can't help you now"Tara said slapping me across my face and I held my face in shock. Somebody pushed me to the ground and they all stood over me kicking me. Zara pulled my hair and Tyler kicked my sides. Megan held my arms down as Tara punched my face and scratched it up. 

I let my legs go loose and I kicked Tara in the vagina, and she fell down. I kicked my leg super high and I kicked Megan in the face and she let my arms go. I quickly stood up and punched Zara and Tyler in the face. I started to run off but they caught up to me and Tara had a stick in her head and she hit me with it as Tyler, Zara, and Megan held me in place. My body felt weak and I fell down. Tara kicked me once more in the face and then the head. Then they all ran away. Laughing at me.

I got up and tried to walk but I fell and I reached my phone. I heard Blake's voice as I called for help.

He was running and he carefully picked me up and sat me in the backseat of his jeep. He had pulled up to his house and he laid me in his bed.

"Cassidy can I take off your shirt?"he asked and I nodded he swiftly removed my blue floral shirt and he scanned my body and called in a woman named Gloria.

"Hi,I am nurse Gloria"she said to me and I gave a faint smile and she started to touch and scan all over my body. She started to write with her pencil and she finished scanning. "Blake get out I have to take off her pants".

"This is my house!"Blake yelled like a child

"OUT!"She yelled and she slid my pants off and scanned my legs and my thighs and started writing.

"There is not really any damage done you need a good nights rest and a hot bath in Epsom Salt"she said putting a thermometer down my throat.

She walked into his connected bathroom and I heard some water running. I scanned the room it wasn't how I thought his room was gonna be junky and full of porn. It was neat and tidy better than mines.

My room isn't even dirty I have everything put in a certain spot on the floor in case A killer chases me and those floor objects are weapons.

Gloria picked me up and she closed the bathroom door. I guess that means take a bath. I stripped of everything and I sat in the hot bubble water. It took my a while to adjust to the hot water then it got warm.

I laid my head back, feeling very relaxed. My body had a little bit of ache still left. Gloria came in and gave me a glass of water and a pill. I took the pill and drank a lot of water to get it down. It took a few tries to swallow the pill. Only five tries.

"Oh Yea right there"I said as I smiled as Blake rubbed my feet. Dirty minded freaks huh?

"Is your body still aching"he asked and I shook my head.

I looked over and seen a picture of a little girl with brown hair on his dresser.

"Who is this?I asked as I picked up the picture.

"Nobody put it down"he mumbled

"Blake I---"I said before he cut me off

"IF I SAY IT'S NOTHING OR NOBODY DON'T KEEP BOTHERING THE SUBJECT!"He yelled at me and stormed out the room and I stood there dumbfounded. I'm sorry dude.

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