Graduation🎓 017

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Today was my big day Graduation day. Finally my last day of school and then off to college I go. Finally I don't have to wake up tomorrow at six in the fucking morning.

It took forever to do my makeup. It took forty minutes to do all my eye makeup and ten minutes to do my lip makeup. Problems of being a girl, am I right ladies?

I had on a red dress and some black heels. My hair was let down straight.

My mom came into the room and     her eyes were red. I can tell she has been crying a lot.

"Ma why are you crying?"I asked and I put my hand on her back

"Your just growing up too fast for me seems like yesterday I was walking you to preschool"my mom sniffles.

I take my moms hand and caress it and smile at her. Chelsea walks in and she hugs my mom.

"I want to thank you guys for taking care of me, and for moving me all these years"Chelsea said and she hugged me and my mom "I love you guys so much".

"Okay so I'm gonna give you each an amount of money to go look for your own apartments"my mom said sadly "you girls are woman now, Cassidy you have to wait till you turn eighteen but you'll still look"

"Thank you mommy"I said

We all piled in the car and I sat in the front and Chelsea sat in the back. I turned up the radio as we turned away. My mom turned up the music as she started dancing.

"What y'all know about this"my mom said bobbing her head

"Try me I love this song"Chelsea said

"My girls like candy, a candy tree she knock me right up of my feet"my mom sang

"She's so fine as can be, I know this girl is just for me" Chelsea sang

"Candy girl you are my world, you look so sweet, your a special treat"I sang along

"I taught you girls well"my mom said and we laughed.

We finally got to the ceremony and we put on our gowns. I decorated my cap. It said Run Me My Diploma. Then it was covered it diamonds.

I walked over to the stage and sat in my assigned seat.  They called names one by one.

"Cassidy Bloom, has been with us for her whole highschool year, and head cheerleader"the principal said and I walked across the stage. I shook hands with the principal grabbed my diploma and walked back to my seat.

I tried to walk out but they wouldn't let me, so I sat back in my seat.

I pulled a fruit roll up out of my gown and ate it. I reached deeper in my gown and pulled out a hotdog wrapped in aluminum foil. I peeled the foil back and I took a bite into the hotdog. Chelsea tapped my shoulder and asked for a piece and I bit it once more and gave it to her.

They called names for these idiots to get their diploma.

"We call Cassidy Bloom to the mic"the principal called and I gave her a smug look "Ms. Bloom". 

I walked to the microphone.

"Every year we have head cheerleader say a few words"she said and I rolled my eyes and stood closer.

"Class of 2017 unless your Chelsea, Blake, or Jake I hate you all and you can--"

"Okayyy that's enough"The principal said pushing me out the way and I stumbled in my heels. We all took a step to the front.

Everybody threw their cap in the air except me, I didn't want for it to get stolen.

I ran off to my mom and gave her a hug. Blake came my way and pulled me into a hug and lifted me into the air and kissed me.

He pulled a box out of his gown and I opened it.

"Blake I can't take this, too expensive"I said looking at the crystal necklace.

It was shaped into a 'B' made out if crystal. The chain was thin and cold.

He went behind me and put it around my neck. Jake and Chelsea were hugging and kissing.

Class Of 2017

FreshMan Year

I had my first kiss
First real Boyfriend

Junior Year

First Fist Fight
First time winning Cheer Comp
Virginity lost

Sophomore Year

First Suspension
First time fighting a teacher.

Senior Year

First time getting jumped
Falling in Love

Four years of highschool.

Class of 2017

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