First Fight👿 023

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I walked into the kitchen and seen Blake sipping on a cup of coffee. I went into the fridge and pulled out some milk then a box of cereal.

Blake's phone went off and he quickly grabbed it and started texting.

I poured a bowl of cereal and added milk. I grabbed a spoon and dug in.

Blake stormed out the kitchen and left his phone on the counter. His light went off and I picked up his phone and read a text

Tara: Leave that Bitch

Tara: Blake I still love you

Tara: Don't you miss my mouth wrapped around you ;)

Tara: I love you

Tara: meet me at Golden Peak please

Tara : BLAKE

Tara: Blake

Fine I'll meet you.

Tara: I love you so much Blakey

He is going to meet her? What the hell.

"Hey babe you okay, your face is kinda red, have you been eating hot chips? "he said

"No babe hot chips don't make my-- never mind Where you going?"I asked

"Golden Peak, what's the matter?"he said nonchalantly

"I just think its funny how you think it's okay to meet Tara like she doesn't still love you"I said folding my arms and he slipped his jacket back off

"You went through my phone?"he asked "don't you trust me?"

"Why do you feel the need to meet her when you have me."I yelled

"She is just a friend jeez, barely a friend"He said calmly

"Tell that bitch you already got a friend"I yelled

"Your freaking out over nothing babe"He said

"I'm freaking out over nothing, how would you feel if I met up with my ex?"I asked

"I wouldn't like that"he said anger flashing in his eyes

"Well don't do it then"I shot at him

"You over thank it babe"he said

"You know what go ahead, I'm gonna meet up with my ex"I said walking into our bedroom and walking into my closet and picking out a dress. I put the dress on the bed and grabbed a pair of silver heels.

"Fine I'm staying home and so are you"he said grabbing my wrist and pulling me to the bed and sitting me down

"Ugh"I said turning my body to face him

"If you don't want me to go anywhere just say so baby, then I won't"he said

"Why would you think it's okay to meet with her?"I asked quietly

"She wouldn't stop texting me and -- babe I would never hurt you"He said and he lifted my head up

"Ok call her"I said and he dialed her number

"Hey Babe your late"her voice boomed through the speaker

"I'm not coming"he said

"But babe"she said

"Stop calling me babe Taralynn"he said

"That bitch is gonna leave you"she yelled and I bit my bottom lip and chewed on it.

The call ended and he looked my way and blocked her number. I smiled at him and he grabbed my hand and kissed it.

"Wanna get food?"he asked dad I nodded my head

"Yes"I said

"What do you want?"he asked

"I don't know"I said



"Taco Bell?"

"Mm no"

"Panda Express?"

"Tsk No"

"Omg. Wendy's?"

"Ughhh. No"

"Jesus, Texas Roadhouse?"

"Babe no"

"Listen woman, Chipotle?"

"Ooh yes"I said getting up and putting my hair in a ponytail and putting my black and white Adidas on. I grabbed the car keys and threw them towards Blake.

"Let's go"I said going to the car

We pulled up to Chipotle and I jumped out the car and into the building.

"Hi can I get a chicken burrito bowl, lettuce, tomatoes, olives, banana peppers, sour cream and chives"I said

I watched them prepare it and then Blake paid for it.

"Awh she's got Blake on a leash like a lost puppy"Tara voice called out

"I grabbed my food and then walked past her bumping her a little.

"Excuse us"I said and Blake followed me.

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