Emily ❤❤ 008

23 1 4


I couldn't stop thinking about Blake and the hurt in his eyes when I mentioned the little girl. Those sad angered eyes kept replaying in my head. I tried to shake the feeling of feeling dumb and bad.

Blake came in the room and sat on the edge of the bed. I looked at him and looked away again.

"I'm sorry"He said "I just got upset"

"Well I could see you weren't happy "I mumbled lowly

"Her name is Emily she's my little sister"he said in a pained voice.

He has a sister? What? How? Well I know how😏.

"She was kidnapped a few years ago" He sadly said with tears stuck in his eyes "she was only 14 she didn't deserve it"

"Blake I'm sorry"I said as I touched his back smoothly and patted him.

My phone has rang and Chelsea voice boomed through the speaker.

Are you OK?-Dumb Slut

Yes I am

You weren't gonna tell me you got jumped?-Dumb slut


Why not it's ok I already fought each of them 1 on 1-Dumb slut

You would never

I broke two noses and two busted lips-Dumb slut

You're crazy slut

Only for my bestfriend-Dumb Slut

I gotta go

"Blake why are you-- never mind"I said then I got up and stretched my back

"Want some food?"he asked and I nodded

"I would love some food"I said heavenly and followed him into the kitchen.

A woman a bit older than us came into the kitchen dressed up. She looked at me looking at Blake, while Blake looked at her looking at me. I put my head down shyly and I played with my maroon painted acrylics.

"Uhm Blake who is this?"she questioned with a smirk across her lips

"This is Cassidy"he said scratching his head.

"Ooh so THIS is Cassidy"she said and I looked at Blake now red cheeks and I stiffled a laugh.

"Mom seriously"he said embarrassed

"Have you been taking your pills?"she asked him and he put his head down

"No" he said

"Why the hell not we don't want a, repeat of two years ago now do we"she said agitated and I stood there awkwardly as they had their conversation as if I wasn't there

"Dammit mom no"he yelled and she grabbed his wrist harshly and her eyes turned into anger.

"Take. The. Damn. Pills"she gritted and gave him two pills and he chugged them.

"Happy"he said

"Ecstatic see you later sweetie and I hope to see you again Cassidy"she said before she walked out the door

"Oh so THIS is Cassidy?"I said giggling

"Oh shut up"he said with pink cheeks. He blushes.

He opens the fridge and takes out some steak. I watched as he prepared then cooked the steak. He looked like a natural in the kitchen.

He wiped the sweat from his forehead and took off his shirt then washed his hands again. I bit my lip as his muscled back faced me.

He took out two plates. Then sat the steaks on there and passed me the large steak. I took a bit of the steak and moaned in satisfaction.

"Blake this is great"I complimented he was a fucking natural at this

"Thanks"he said and winks at me.

"Well I gotta go my mom is probably worried sick"I said

I stopped at a nearby ice cream shop and I waited in the line. I got up to the front and I looked at the brown head girl.

"How can I help you?"she said

"Choco chip cookie dough in a cup" I said and she made my Ice cream and wrote on my cup.

Help me!!!

I looked at her desperate smile and I nodded my head.

"Hey miss can you help me start my car up?"I said pointing at it

"Yes"she said and she walked over to me and to my car.

"Get it"I said sternly and she obeyed and I pulled off and a man shot at my car.

"Thank you so much"she cried

"How old are you?"I asked whilst driving

"I'm sixteen"she said

"What's your name?" I asked

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