Cheer Practice👑004

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I put on my black cheer shorts and my white cheer shirt and a pair of gym shoes. I tied my hair up into a ponytail and I went outside to the football field.

"Hey Coach sorry I'm late I'll start my laps" I said putting down my cheer bag and running around the track and Chelsea came running after me.

"You sure you can come to practice?"she asked and I nodded.

"I'm fine"I said as I began losing breath at my third time running around the track.

I stopped running and grabbed my water bottle and took a big chug. I took a deep breath and I started doing my stretches .

"Alright Let's see those toe touches" My coach yelled and I did my toe touch easy and smooth. I practiced all my jumps and then my flips.

"Alright now we got sideline cheers to do, Let's do my name is"Coach yelled and we all got into windows.

"My name is ready set"I yelled out and Melissa was the first to go.

"My name is Melissa, I rock my cheer pride, The best dancer and I always smile wide" She said and did I spread eagle.

"My name is Caitlyn, I am the cheer goof, Now watch out for me cause I can steal your boo"She said then hit a right split.

"My name is Chelsea, I love cheer, you other teams don't phase me cause I show no fear"Chelsea said and did a backwards walkover.

"That enough ladies, now do run that ball" Coach yelled again.

"Run that ball ready set" I called.

"Run that ball boys, run that ball, go head and run and give it your all, Our pride stands tall , just run that ball"We all said in Unison as we did the motions and Me and Chelsea did our Backflips. Caitlyn and Melissa did roundoffs.

"Alr 5 minute break"I called and we all split.

I grabbed my water bottle and started chugging. I wiped my mouth as Chelsea tapped me and pointed to a shirtless Blake who was walking my way.

"Hey princess"he said

"What do you want"I said in monotone

"You sound so dead" he said

"You make me wanna be dead"I said in a bored tone "do you need a towel or something cause your hella sweaty".

"Nah I still have to practice"he said and I looked at his glistening body "did you get my text".

"Nah" I said


"What was it?"


"It was something"

"No it wasn't"

"Ok" I said not wanting to argue.

He looked at me and I looked back at him staring in to his eyes. His face got closer and closer just when our lips were about to touch.

"BLAKE!!!"his coach yelled and we jumped back and he ran off to the field.

"You were totally about to kiss" Chelsea exclaimed and I rolled my eyes.

"I'm sure he was just trying to see if it was something in my eyes" I said and she scoffed

"As if slut"she said pushing me "lets go break over".

"My leg really hurt"I complained to Chelsea as I dramatically fell down on the red track.

Practice was finally over and I was very sore. My inner thighs were hurting and burning and my arms were sore.

Blake walked up to me and looked down at me.

"What are you doing?"He asked and lifted me up over his shoulder

"Take me to my car please"I said and he walked me to my car and sat me in the drivers seat.

"You welcome"he said

"Wanna get some ice cream"I said and he got in the passenger seat "I'll pay".

"No sweetheart I'm paying"

"Let me pay"


"I'm paying the end of this conversation hot stuff"he said and I blushed.

I pulled up to I scream you scream ice cream and I parked in a spot close to the door.

I walked up to the counter and I looked at the choices.

"Hi can I have Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough smoothie and a cup"I said and the man nodded

"And can I have strawberry in a bowl"He said

"Coming up"The man said

We sat at the table and I ate my ice cream. Then I started drinking my smoothie.

"Ice cream and a smoothie?"Blake asked

"My dad used to get me both before he got arrested"I said and he nodded his head "thanks for the ice cream I really needed this".

"No problem babe"he said and he winked at me

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