Home🏡 009

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"What's your name?"I asked her

"Emily, Emily Solomon"she said and I slammed on the breaks

"You're Emily?"I said in disbelief and she nodded her head

"Yes I am miss"she said and I drove back To Blake's house

"Don't call me miss I'm 17 and still in school"I said and she giggled

"Well I haven't ate in a week can we get food?"she asked and I stopped at Wendy's and got three four for fours.

She stuffed her mouth with fries and chicken nuggets. We pulled up to Blake's house and I dragged her to the doorstep and Blake answered and looked right at Emily and he dropped to the ground crying and she broke down and started hugging him.


I watched the football game going and I heard the doorbell ring. I groaned got up and answered it.

There she was. Emily. After all the years I sent looking for her. On my doorstep.

My knees weakened and I dropped to the ground and the tears fell down, I soon felt her arms around me and her sobs with mines. I kissed her forehead and we all walked in the house.

"Are you okay?" I asked Emily


"Do you need to got it the hospital?"


"Are you hurt?"

"Blakey I'm fine"she said touching my cheek and giving a soft smile

Blakey. I haven't heard that in two years. Two long depressed years. I have her back.

Cassidy watched us smiling at as like a fucking creep. I shot her a smile and I got up. I walked over to her and gave her a hug. I looked into her eyes and I kissed her soft lips and she wrapped her arms around my neck.


Holy. Fucking. Cow. Balls. He kissed me. His lips taste like chocolate.

Good thing I had on my strawberry lip gloss.

I gave Emily a hug and she pulled me closer and hugged tighter.

"Thank you"she whispered in my ear

The front door opened and Mrs. Solomon dropped her heels to the floor and let out a exhausted groan. Her eyes focused on Emily and she held her stomach and started crying.

"Mommy"Emily yelled and ran to her and cried in her neck.

There I was smiling uncontrollably like a fucking idiot. Again.

They had a family moment and Mrs. Soliman pulled out a piece of paper and handed it to me.

I looked at it and lost my breath.

A check for $40,000.

No. I shook my head and gave it back. Can't take it. Mrs. Soloman gave me a stern look and I pulled the check back and put in into my wallet.

Emily walked up to me and gave. a big hug and I wrapped my arms around her.

"So I'm gonna go this is family time"I said awkwardly and started walking to the door.

"Nonsense have your family over for dinner tonight to celebrate, by the way don't call me Mrs. Soliman it's Blaire"She said and I nodded.

"Hey can I take Emily shopping with me"I asked and she nodded

"I'm coming"Blake said sternly

"Girls day Blake"Emily said

"I have to protect you two"He said and I sigh it was no reason to argue.

We walked out the door and drove to RiverDale mall, I first took Emily to a dress store and had her try on three dresses.

The first choice was a red mid thigh length dress. Blake shook his head.

"No take it off"Blake said and I shot him a glare and he sat back

She tried on all the dresses and received a No for all her dresses from Blake.

I got a dress and at the cash register I paid for the dresses.

The man behind the counter was staring at me very hard. I moved uncomfortably as he watched my every movement.

"Very gorgeous ladies"he said and I sent him a forced smile

"Cassidy hurry the fuck up"Blake yelled and I rolled my eyes at his ignorance

I walked out the store and I walked over to Blake. We went to five more stores I got her whatever she wanted. Then finally the food court.

Emily blushed as a cute boy her age winked at her. She likes him.

I took her to Panda Express and Blake got Burger Joint. I got done teriyaki chicken and shrimp fried rice us. We took a table by the entrance.

The cute brown haired boy approached our table.

"Hi I'm Ethan, what's your name"he said looking at Emily

"Emily"she said smiling

"Can I get your number?"he asked nervously

"Give me your number"she said and he smiled very hard as he wrote Good number down.

He then walked off with a big smile on his face. So did Emily. We ate our food and then I decided to buy her a phone.

We walked into the Apple store and got her a IPhone 7 just like me.

Today was a great day.

It all started with a footballWhere stories live. Discover now