The Fight😰 019

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"What the hell happened"I frantically asked looking around and gripping Blake's hand very hard.

I heard my dad chuckling then he threw the table and everybody ran. I grabbed Chelsea's hand and Blake grabbed my moms hand.

"Ready or not here I Come"my dad said

I ran into my room and grabbed my flashlight. I turned around and seen Blake standing in front of me.

"You have to be quiet"He whispered and I nodded my head.

"Chelsea you ok"I asked he lowly and she nodded her head.

I heard foot steps coming up the stairs and my breathing increased. It got quiet all of a sudden until I heard my mother scream and her heels digging into the floor.

"Mom"I yelled and Blake ran after them leaving me and Chelsea alone.

I grabbed Chelsea hand and we creeped into my room and we went into the closet. I could feel Chelsea tears falling on my shoulder.

"Chelsea were gonna be ok"I reassured her and she nodded her head.

We heard foot steps come into the room and Chelsea covered her mouth. I watched as the footsteps went over to my bed and turned to the closet. The figure got closer and closer to the closet and my heart started running out of my chest. The door drug open and I tried to slow my breaths.

"Are y'all ok"Blake said with my mom in his arm.

"You fucking scared me"I said and my dad came behind Blake and pulled him back.

"No stop it"Chelsea yelled and my mom grabbed my lamp and smashed it over his head.

But just like in a fucking scary movie it wasn't over.

My dad covered his face with a mask then dropped a bottle on the floor and the room started gassing up. I held my nose and slowly my eyes closed.

"What the fuck "my dad yelled and I jumped up only to be pulled back down. He tied me to a chair.

I looked over at my mom and looked at her bloody forehead. Chelsea opened her eyes slowly and Blake was sitting calmly in his chair.

My dad paced in front of us.

"We are gonna play a game ok remember we use to play games sweetie"my dad said

"Leave them alone"my mother cried and my dad brought His hand back and smacked her so hard her chair flew over.

"Ding Ding Ding we have a winner Cassidy, oh baby I'm gonna show you how much I missed you"He said coming close to my chair and I started breathing hard.

"Please no"Blake pleaded

"Shut The fuck up"his voice boomed

He grabbed my chair and dragged it out and I started crying frantically. I could her Blake screaming "Bring her Back", "Leave her alone", "Please".

My dad untied me and threw me on the bed. He unbuckled his belt and hovered over me. I took that opportunity to kick him in his balls and I ran but his snatched my hair. I stuck my thumbs into his eyes and punched him. He grabbed my neck and started choking me and my feet kicked the wall. I clawed at his hands and I brought my knee up and kneed him and I fell to the ground trying to catch my breath. He grabbed my foot and I fell to the ground. Shit. He got on top of me I looked to the side of me and grabbed the lamp plug and knocked the lamp over his head. He fell down and I pushed him off me and ran to the others and I untied them all.

Blake ran to me and he pulled me into a hug. I wrapped my arms around his neck and I seen Red and Blue lights. I ran outside and the cops came running towards us.

They brought out my father in cuffs. I started to cry and Blake held me closely.

"We need you down at the station"A woman said and we all followed her.

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