Girls Night👭 005

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"Let's watch Lilo and Stitch"I said before the front door opened and my mom walked in.

I ran to my mom and gave her a big hug. I haven't seen my mom in like two weeks due to her being a busy body with work as a FBI Agent. My mom wrapped her arms around my waist and Chelsea ran and hugged her too. If you haven't figured Chelsea lives with us, her parents kicked her out because they found out she wasn't a virgin. My mom is like a teenage girl, speaking of which she had me when she was 17. My mom and my dad were madly in love before everything went down and now we haven't seen him in 5 years.

"Chelsea, Cassidy I missed my girls"my mom cried "how about I make a big dinner tonight"

"Yes mum I've been craving your special nachos"I cried out.

"Nachos it is, now go finish your movie"My mom said

We watched Lilo and Stitch as we giggled and polished our nails.

"Hey so you and Blake"Chelsea blurted out

"He's just a friend of mine who is very hot"I explained

"So you think he's hot?"she asked and I scoffed

"Who doesn't think he's hot"I giggle

"Me I like Jake he's a hunk bar"she said biting her lip

"Gross. Blake is very hot and very goofy"I said "with those rock hard abs, beautiful teeth, pretty smile, built arms with his veins on display"

"Ooh lalal you like him"Chelsea said and I snorted. It happens when I get nervous don't judge me.

He was perfection in my eyes. Sexy. I could do some things to him. My virgin mind is being invaded by such a freak thought. I need help. asap.

My mom called us out for dinner and my phone dinged.

Hey princess- B

Wassup Doofus- C

Can I crash dinner with you-B


I put my phone down and I washed my hands. I heard a knock at the door and I opened it.

"Hello princess"he said in a dreamy voice

"Wassup Doofus, my mom is here"I said and I led him to the kitchen

"Cassidy whom is this?"my mom asked

"Mom meet Blake, Blake meet mom"I said cheerfully and my mom had a big smile on her face "Blake is staying for dinner".

"Cassidy never told me how beautiful her mother was"Blake said and my mom blushed.

"You quite the charmer aren't you"My mom giggled

"Let's feast"I yelled and went to make a plate.

Me,my mom, Chelsea and Blake all sat at the dinner table laughing at a joke Chelsea had said.

"So Mrs. Bloom---"Blake started

"Don't call me that, I'm not that old call me Marie"my mom said

"Mrs-- I mean Marie your a great cook you should teach my mom a few pointers"Blake complimented

"Maybe one day that'll happen"My mom said

"I have to excuse myself my mom want me home by 5"Blake said picking up all of our empty plates and washing them out.

"Wow Blake that's very kind"My mom said

"My dad always told me the men work and the women relax"Blake said drying off his hands and stepping off to the door.

"See ya Blake"I called out.


"You look beautiful babygirl"My mom said as she finished my makeup and handed me a mirror.

"Wow mommy its amazing"I said as I looked at the mirror and smiled.

"Wow Mom you killed it"Chelsea screeched as she finished putting on her face mask

"Is the mask dry yet"My mom asked her

"Its damp"she replied as she finished polishing her feet and nails.

"Ok give it ten more minutes"my mom said.

"Alright you girls don't stay up late I'm going to bed"my mom said yawning

I took a few pictures and I started wiping off the makeup from my face. I use about five towelettes. I walked over to Chelsea and snatched the face mask up and she flinched so hard she fell. I finished snatching the mask and soon all of the mask was off and her skin had a great glow to it.

I went to get a peanut butter bar and I went up to my room. I laid in my bed and turned on my TV and started watching STAR. I felt my eyes getting droopy and I turned the TV off, placed the remote by my side and laid down in bed and pulled the covers over me.

"Cassidy and Chelsea that's five laps"coach yelled. I stood there in shocked because we weren't laughing or joking it was Melanie and Silvia. We started running our laps as I legs got tired. "Hey princess" Blake called. "What Doofus"I said out of breath as I finished running. "Go on a date with me tonight"he asked and I stopped running and faced him. "What?"I questioned. "A date me, you, and pool"he said and I nodded my head. He grabbed me by my waist and pulled my closer or lips inches apart.

I shot up and took deep breaths. I looked at the clock 2:45a.m.. Back to sleep.

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