Furniture Shopping🏢 021

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We walked through the store and we looked at the beds.

"Babe I want a black bed"I said

"Ok we'll get that"he said and I cheered happily

I stopped at a certain black bed and I laid down on it and I felt my body sink into the bed.

"Babe, I want"I said pointing to the bed.

A sales person walked up to us and asked us questions completed our purchase.

"Your bed will be delivered in two days making that Wednesday"she said and I nodded my head as Blake signed a piece of paper.

We got out the bed section and we went to the laundry parts.

"Let's get this one"Blake said looking at the white washing machine

"Babe its very expensive"I said

"Listen money isn't a problem for us okay"He said and I nodded my head

"Then let's get this dryer"I said and he nodded.

We took orders again and its gonna be shipped on Wednesday.

We finally got all of the main house things. We got the dining table, the washing machine, a couch, chairs, the dryer, four flat screen smart television sets, our beds, some dressers. We had everything which all came to us on Wednesday.

Now it was time for decorations. I looked around and I had picked up some picture frames. I walked around some more and I looked at a vanity mirror. It was perfect. Blake seen my face and he picked up the box and carried it for me.

"Babe stop holding back, get what you want. It's our home"he said

"I just don't wanna spend all your money"I pouted.

"Babe my dad pays me for MY job and it isn't cheap"he said "stop holding back"

"Ok"I said kissing his cheek.

I looked around some more and I seen Blake eyeing a picture. It was beautiful. It was a mother a father and a daughter holding hands walking.

"Let's get it"I said

"You don't think it's extra?"he said

"Stop holding back"I said and he chuckled.

"Since your paying for all of this let me pay for all of the groceries"I said

"With my card sure"he said

"Babe stop, I wanna put effort into this house just like you are, I'm buying groceries"I said as I picked up a box of lightbulbs and a small lamp.

He grabbed a alarm clock and he put it in the basket. We walked up to the register and we paid for everything.

"You wanna get some clothes or something before we leave"he asked me as we walked out. He snatched the bags out of my hands and I rolled my eyes.

"No but we have to stop at the grocery store"I said

"We have to drop off this stuff first"he said and I nodded.

He took all the stuff in the house and I sat in the car like I was told to do. What does he think I'm a fragile piece of glass?

He got back in the car and we drove to the grocery store and we parked by the front. I walked in the the cold breeze slapped me right in my face.

I grabbed a buggy and so did Blake. We walked to the back where the meat compartment was. I grabbed a some hamburger meat, hot sausages, hot dogs, wing dings, chicken flats, Pork chops, steaks, and ribs.

I walked further down the hall to the dairy section and I went to grab some cheese. I grabbed some sliced American cheese, provolone cheese, and shredded taco cheese. I grabbed some yogurt, protein shakes, and a red top milk.

Blake was behind me grabbing lettuce, tomatoes, onions, salami, ham, and mayo. I blew him a kiss and he smiled. A girl walked up to him and asked for help. I shook my head and chuckled.

"I don't think so my wife wouldn't like it"he said and my smile widen

"She doesn't have to know"she said

"Honey let's go"I said and Blake followed behind me.

We walked down the snacks aisle. I grabbed chips, pop tarts, cereal, pudding,chocolate chips,oatmeal cream pies, twinkies, cookies,and nutty buddy's.

Blake grabbed all of the breakfast essentials and there we were finally up at the register with two buggy's full of food and snacks.

I watched as she scanned and I watched the price go up and up and up.

"Your total is $3,000. 57"he said and I pulled out my card

"Babe I want you spending your money on clothes and shoes not this let me pay"he whined

"Too late"I said taking the receipts and walking out the store.

We put all the bags a way into the trunk and we finally get home.

I tried to help him bring the groceries in but he told me to go in the house and relax.

"Babe do you think I'm fragile"I asked as I put all the food away.

"Yes"he said as he brought the last groceries in the house "I just wanna treat you like a princess".

"Okay"I said as I watched him make his way to me. I kissed his lips and finished my job.

"I love you so much princess"He said

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