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It has been a week since I finished school and graduated. Guess what I'm doing sleeping in on a Monday. Bwoom!

I hear my mom let out a scream and I rush downstairs and I hear arguing. There he stood he was there right there in front of me.

"Dad?"I asked to the man who had my mom crying.

"Princess?"he said and I let the tears fall

"Daddy"I said running into his arms and he grabbed me tightly and I pulled away.

"Sweetie? What's wrong"my dad asked

"You think you can just waltz in here like nothing happened and I'll be satisfied. Tell me what you did"I said crying

"Sweetie I did nothing"he said

"To hell with that you did something, that's why you were in jail am I correct and your just now getting out"I yelled

"I got out of jail two years ago, what do you mean"he asked

"Where have you been"I yelled

"With my family"he said and my breathe hitched "my one year old and fiance"

"Fuck you Daniel get the hell out"My mom yelled and my dad stormed her way and choked her up. Chelsea came in and she looked right at my dad.

"Daniel let her go"I yelled and he let her go

"W-whats he doing here?"Chelsea asked and I shrugged my shoulders

Blake came into the house with a bunch of roses and I ran to him.

"This is your dad?"he asked

"Not anymore its Daniel"I said

"I read about your dad in the paper"he said and he pulled me,my mom, and Chelsea behind him "this dude is a crazy stay away"

"Blake what are you jabbing about?"my mom asked

"They don't know I raped and dismembered those girls"he said and I gasped.

"Is this true?"he asked I asked heart broken

"Yes it is I got out early for good behavior, now tonight your mom is gonna cook for us and Blake is gonna join"My dad said

"As if I'd leave them with you "Blake said

"Start dinner"he said and my mom hurried to the kitchen

I ran to my room and I heard Blake chase after me. I locked my door after Blake came in and I fell to the floor crying.

"All these years I bragged how he didn't do it, he said it was armed robbery,not rape and murder"I cried out as Blake grabbed me and pulled me close to him.

"Its okay to cry princess"He said caressing my hair and that's when I started crying harder

"It sucks when the person your supposed to love and who's supposed to take care of you betrays you and does such awful things what did I do to deserve this?"I cried out

"Let's watch a movie, a romance or a comedy"he said changing the subject

"Can we watch me before you"I sniffles

"God dammit, ok only because I care about you let's watch it"he said and I wiped my tears.

"Sweetie dinners ready"my fathers voice boomed through the house and everybody walked down to the dinner table.

I sat in my usual seat next to Chelsea and Blake, my mom and dad sat on opposite ends of the table, just like old times. Happy times.

"I missed you girls"my dad said and Blake and I held hands.

"Stop holding hands and eat your god damn food"my dad yelled and I jumped.

I took a bit of Brussels sprouts and stuffed my mouth. My dad looked at Chelsea.

My dad laughed and all of a sudden all of the household lights cut off.

It all started with a footballWhere stories live. Discover now