The Walk Of Shame😂 026

13 1 6


I stretched and felt around the bed and seen Blake was gone. I put on his button up and I put my hair into a messy ponytail. I go downstairs and see him cooking breakfast. I see both of our mothers at the dining table giggling over coffee.

Our mothers look our way and my face go red.

"Ah the Walk of Shame"My mother says and Blaire giggles

"Hi mom, Hi Blaire"I say giving them both a kiss on the cheek.

"Mmm I see the Anniversary went good"Blaire said

"Yea because your doing the walk of shame around this house"My mom added

"Cassidy Breakfast is ready"Blake said

"Ooh she must have some good you know what if he cooking breakfast"I heard Blaire whisper to my mom.

"Must be"my mom whispered back

"My legs really hurt"I whispered in Blake ear

"My back is sore from your fucking cat claws"he whispered back

We went into our room and I stripped naked and put a towel on. Blake took off his shirt and I seen the many scratches on his back. I traced them and watched him flinch.

"Sorry about that"I said and he chuckled

"Don't worry babygirl it was all worth it"He said

"Did you eat already or were you waiting for me?"I asked

"I ate last night"He said smirking and my face started burning. I'm fucking blushing.

"Your so gross"I said and he kissed me.


"That's the walk of shame"Chelsea said and I rolled my eyes

"Ugh shut up"I groaned

"Was he good?"She asked

"Shut up!"

"Did he eat?"

"Shut Up Chelsea!"

"Just answer this! Is it big?"

"Ugh Yes to all those questions!" I groaned and she almost jumped out the damn car.

We walked into the mall and went to Forever 21. I tried on a pair of black jeans and black combat boots. I purchased my items and we went to go get our nails done.

We were walking out the parking lot and I bumped into Tara.

"Wow it's been forever"she exclaimed

"Ha Yea"Chelsea said making her voice as high as Tara's.

"How is Blake?"she asked

"Fine"I mumbled

"Its only a matter of time before he drops you like a hot piece of chicken"She said looking me in my eyes.

"Yea I agree because he wouldn't have gotten me this Diamond Promise Ring, A house with me, Bought me a car, or pay for us to get professional pictures taken for our home, let's not forget we sleep in the same bed every night" I said in a fake sweet voice.

"Awh relationship goals, kiss Blake for me"She said cheekily and walked off with her heels clicking the concrete.

Stupid Bitch! I want to take her pretty lips and slice them off her face :)

Chelsea touched my shoulder and motioned me to my car. I pulled out the parking Lot of the malls and went across the street to OutBack.

We got to a booth and grabbed some menu's.

"Gosh I am famished"Chelsea said

"Wow that's a big word"I said

"Jake has got me on to reading books for fun and I honestly love reading"she said "I learned that word yesterday"

"Can I start you two off with some drink"Our waitress said.

"I'll have a water with lemon"I said and Chelsea got the same.

"I'll be back with that in a second"She smiled and walked off

The waitress came back and sat two tall glasses of water on the table.

"Okay are you ready to order?"She asked taking her notepad out

"Yes, I'll have Steak with Shrimp and instead of mashed potatoes can I get A baked Potato with Bacon,Cheese, and sour cream"I said and she scribbled on her little notepad.

"Yes you may and you?"She said referring to Chelsea

"Uhm I'll have a Steak with mashed potatoes, and a side Salad with everything except Tomatoes"She said putting her menu down and the waitress scribbled.

"I'm sorry my name is Rebecca its a full house I just forgot but yes you two may"She said smiling and going to the back and off to another table with a tray filled with food.

"Remember back in highschool when you accidentally spilled your Cheese Fries on Tara"I said to Chelsea and she laughed

"I remember, but that beats nothing when I got into a fight with her for jumping you"she said and I laughed

"I thought you broke her nose?"I asked her

"I did and I busted her lip, her lips seem fuller and she definitely got a nose job"Chelsea giggles

My phone beeped and I checked it.

Babe❤🔐: Don't forget to buy some Pads, your week start tomorrow :) I also bought you chocolate and junk food ;).

I smiled at my phone and shook my head.

"Here are your orders"Rebecca said sitting our plates down and I bowed my head and got ready to pray.

"Oh hey wait can I get a steak well done, mashed potatoes, and corn in a to go box?"I asked and she nodded her head

"Are you that hungry? Don't tell me your pregnant"Chelsea said

"Its for Blake he loves OutBack"I explained

"That's so cute he needs to wife you already"She said and I blushed.

Blake would never marry me. I'm not the wifey type.

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