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I snapped open my eyes.
I tried to turn but Mike was literally sleeping on me.

Oh! He was so heavy.
And he looked so cute while asleep.

"Honey, wake up." I said.

"Umm... it isn't morning yet." He blabbered like a baby and tightened his grip on my waist.

I smiled and caressed his cheek which was placed on my neck.

"Wake up. It is 7 o clock." I said.

"What?" he said and left his grip on me.

I turned and said "I mean it is about."

It was only 6 then.

"Common" he said and tried to pull me again but I was fast.

I placed my lips on his and kissed him till the time he kissed back.
Now this was my brand new idea to wake my hubby.
Morning breath! Who cares?

We parted and I lightly slapped him and said "Wake up now" before getting on my feet.

He did the same and stretched his hands in air.

I went out to check for Ben, but he was still sleeping.
Mornings at our house were hectic.

I went back to my room and put back the beddings on their place.

Mike came out of the bathroom and I went in to brush.

After that I hurried to the kitchen.

Prepared Mini's breakfast and packed it.
I was a good cook now and all credit goes to the online teaching classes.

Lunch and dinner were prepared by Stella, and it will be so till the day I fire her. But it doesn't match with my personality.

I was rich but I was also down to earth. I thought about the other person before me.

God gave me this lifestyle, I have to serve others.

Mike came down and I handed him his coffee.
I turned back to leave but he pulled me by the hand.

"Common, sit with me for some time." He said.

"I have to wake up Mini. She will get late." I said.

"She never gets late, she is MY daughter." He smiled and said.

"Haha... your daughter and what about me?" I asked and sat on his lap.

"Well.... I have to think on it." He teased.

"You..." I pulled his cheek.

His lips met mine and only then the recorder on my waist cracked.

"He is awake." I said.

"I'll go. You wake up Mini." He said as I got up.

He pecked my nose and walked away.

I went upstairs. Pulled the curtains of her room.

"Mini, it is morning. You will be late." I said.

"Five" she said and turned to the other side.

Like father like daughter.

I took her in my arms.

"Wake up sweetheart" I said in a soft voice as she rubbed her eyes.

"Good girl" I said and took her to the bathroom, washed her face and made her stand on the stool.

Her height was too short to reach the basin so we kept a small stool in front.

I made her to brush and then left her in the tub.

Then I ran downstairs.
Mike was sitting in the main hall with Ben.

It was 7:15 and even Mike was getting late.

Anna would be here only by 7:30.

I took Ben and Mike went to take his shower.

I roamed around with him and then Anna came in 10 minutes.

I handed Ben to her and ran upstairs.

Mini splashed the water and I had a high time pulling her out.

I dressed her in the school uniform and left her to play with Anna for some time.

Then I went to my room.

Mike was got out of the wardrobe.

He was wearing a light purple coloured shirt and black pants.

He made a knot in his designer purple coloured tie and wrapped it around the collar.

I went to him and set his tie.

A man's tie could never be perfect without a woman's touch.
True Fact.

Mike and I came downstairs.
Anna had already made Mini drink a glass of milk.

Mike sat on the dining and I gave him his breakfast.

Meanwhile I packed Mini's bag and gave it to her.
We waited for Mike in the main hall.

Anna had gone out, into the garden with Ben.

Mike came with his suitcase and we kissed goodbye.

"Be there by 11" he reminded me before leaving.

"Sure" I said "Bye sweety, see you soon" I kissed Mini on the forehead and then she left with Mike.

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